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Apr 26, 2010 Sikh Philosophy Network Forum. The Sikh book of prophecy. Would Guru Nanak have uttered the words in Karni Nama and Raj Nama. PRI - Public Radio International Will you support us? Thousands of Russians endorse Navalny to challenge Putin in March vote.
Hi there very interesting but I have been here before I posted these links as my first post on here I think you will be astonished Please go have a look this will explain a lot of the symbolism you find there the secret they hold from us The star emphasise on the upside down pyramid is a god star (I think its who is in control the one on the right is our star. Sorry to long please just go look at the sites I gave you Hello there! Thanks for the links, I've just had a quick look and read a couple of articles. Bookmarked them for later.
Unfortunately, the article isn't mine. Someone else posted it on a forum and I thought it was worthy enough to post else where. It's not expertly written, but it's basically trying to prove that Michael Tsarion (hence the title) who is a pretty well known researcher in the U.K. Has strong links with the Rose Croix (Rosicrucian's) It was more interesting to me after hearing Alan Watt's story about being stopped from going on red ice after a certain couple of people got a bit of influence there. He claims to have received all kinds of threatening e mails and also said he was asked to join the 'payroll' if he agreed to start going along the u.f.o. Line in his talks and research.
There's more conspiracy's in the conspiracy field itself than any where else:lol3. Though all well thought out,I have a hard time rationalizing these thoughts. To me they seem to be based on a lot of guess work and thus can be as Factual as old Wives tales.
I do not discount them outright I just do not think that it is that black and white that no one can assemble the truth under one tent.there are too many deceiving agents both dead and alive that have confounded the truth through the ages.That we are left with nothing more than riddles in stone to discern what actually is the truth.Very good information though,just not the holy grail I am too hard to convince perhaps. It really was just a bit of info about a certain researcher, and by absolutely no means any kind of holy grail. I guess you have to be familiar with his work and the things said against him, and the reason I posted this, is because the guy who made the post openly admitted he loved Tsarions work and still did after making this research. So it's not a smear campaign. It also has some fascinating links weaved among it. It will also interest anyone who has researched the new age.
I don't mean old age traditions revived, I mean a new age movement starting back with Blavatsky when she introduced Krishnamurti to the world as 'the one'. Nothing too dissimilar as to what the new age is pushing right up until this day with Ashtar command. It just so happens they've moved up a gear and the saviour is now Sananda, who in his former life was Jesus, and he's waiting for you in a 5th dimensional spaceship along with a fleet of exactly 144,000 other souls. You can how ever be initiated for $100 at the local supermarket. Getting totally off tac, but that's what the original post was alluding too.
I agree with Strider here. Tsarion is not to be trusted. I was once a new ager heavily into Tsarion, David icke, much of Project Camelot's interviewee's etc. You really have to question this entire conspiracy movement, the ufos, the aliens, the patriot movement, it's all culture creation set up from the top down. It's big business.
It's also great because they mix facts with ficiton to discredit any truth for those who think the conspiracys are crazy, and for those who beleive the conspiracy - also they into some ficiton - they relize some are truths but are mislead once they decide the follow the leader. Albert Pike said that they lead every revolution. Driver Advan A1n70t Windows Xp on this page.
The Rosicrucian's are heavily behind the revolutions, and we know Tsarion has links with Rosicrucians. He also is a pusher of jordan maxwell, red ice, zechri sitchin(etc. Many of these guys have been exposed, and as Strider said, Alan Watt has been harassed by these guys to 'join' them.
(check out 33min 12sec into this talk to 36:00 and listen to what they are talking about there) ives_are_So_Good__As_We_Munch_Our_Herbicide-Laden_Food_Sept102008.mp3 (and check out starting at 41:42 into hour 2 here for a few mins - WOW exposes this BIG TIme) 132008_Hour1.mp3 132008_Hour1.mp3 Aug. 6, 2008 Alan Watt on 'Outside The Box' with Alex Ansary (Originally Aired Live: Aug. 6, 2008 on 'We The People Radio Network') Aerial Spraying, Storm Creation, Chemical Clouds, HAARP - War on Farmers, Breadbasket, Floods, Droughts. '2012' Legend - Prophecies - 2010, Integration of Americas - 2012, World Government. Transhumanist Agenda - Hinduism, 'Waves of Time' - Eugenics - Warfare Strategy - Totalitarian Society, Individual Isolation.
Aleister Crowley, Creation of Mysticism and Confusion, Hopis, Scottish Rite, Freemasonry. New Age Movement, 'Grand Delusion', 'Becoming Gods', Heroes to Follow - Fascination - Gorbachev, New Religion based on Earth Worship - 'Higher Consciousness'. Corruption of Truth - American Revolution - System of 'Civilization', Control - Illusion and Hallucination. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 ur1.mp3 Dogma of Christianity, Churches, Organized Religions - Following Dictates of Government or Your God - Looking at the Negative - Rockefeller Foundation, UFO 'Threat'. Wiccanism, Books 'Appeared' on the Shelves - Use of Power - Joining a Group vs. Scottish Rite, 'New Age' Journal - Heaven's Gate Cult Suicides - Forms of Mind Control, Manipulation. Marketing, Behaviour Alteration, Promiscuity - Media - Gender War - Victim Mentality, Fake History.
United Nations, Sadomasochism, Psychopathic-Led System - Agenda 21, Habitat Supercities - Portland, Oregon - Restricting Freedom of Travel - Rural Property Taxation. CFR, RIIA - China as World Policeman - Marriage Agencies, Emigrating Women - Next 'Boat People' Leaving U.S.
Eternal Solutions, 'Hurt No One' - Every Action has a Reaction - Cause and Effect - Fighting Evil Here in the World of Matter. Zbigniew Brzezinski 'Between Two Ages' book, Technetronic Weaponry - Carroll Quigley books.
Sitchin, 'Interpretation' of Sumerian Tablets - Annunaki, Nature Spirits - Total Confusion. 30 Years of War and Strife - Kissinger - U.N.
Weather Warfare Treaty - Pandemics. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 ur2.mp3 Links to Debunking Modern Mythology and Well-Financed Disinformation regarding Sumerian 'Gods': ' ' 'Zecharia Sitchin's ancient astronaut theories - a skeptical archive' Shortwave and Superstars Reads a moving anonymous email 'Now, that's God'. (Due to glitches the recorded broadcast continues at 29:55) Public shortwave was created by the CIA using Christian front-groups to counter communist broadcasts from the Soviet Union.
You cannot put someone out there to sway people away from truth without giving that person a lot of the truth. Uncovering symbologies of the Tree (Birch, Oak and Ash) in high masonry and the houses that they're put into according to their degrees and functions and the clues that they leave.
Discussed that some of the very high inbred people have no melanocyte sites in their skin, which is what gives you your tan. Hi all I've checked out some of the links listed by Doom, and watched the free video Reality Check pt1. The links where a time slot is mentioned I only listened from that point on, such as his conversation about being asked to join the bandwagon of reptilians etc.
Having watched Reality Check I find that in general he is in total agreement with researchers such as Tsarion and Icke- the way the planet is run, the ruling elite, the methods of control and so on. No major differences. In fact the only difference I see from my limited exposure to Watt is that he doesn't believe there has been any outside involvement from reptilians, greys or anyone else. Fair enough, that's his choice, and he's obviously never had any experience of them.
But just because he hasn't had any experience of them doesn't mean they don't exist. Well this is some decent research that I have to check out for a couple of days. Really interesting. Thank you very, very much strider and the others.
I would like to add this at least: I've only watched the first few minutes of this so far, but already I see flaws in the debunking argument. Specifically, the use of the full passage from Isiah 13:5 'They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even] the LORD, and the weapons of HIS indignation, to destroy the whole land.'
Throughout the Bible the use of the word LORD is misleading. In the original Hebrew text the word is ELOHIM, which is a combination of masculine and feminine. It is also PLURAL not singular.
The translation we have today is roughly ELOHIM = SINGULAR GOD = LORD. A more correct translations would be ELOHIM = PLURAL MASCULINE AND FEMININE GODS = THE GODS. So the translation would then be 'They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even] the GODS, and the weapons of THEIR indignation, to destroy the whole land.' So if anything this strengthens Tsarion's arguement. Remember that the standard version of the Bible is the Authorised King James version, i.e. The version that King James wanted us to read.
I believe the penalties were severe if you were caught with a version he didn't want you to read. Anyhoo, the bottom line is that all information is suspect, no matter who the source is. When people such as Tsarion and Watt get up and present information to people they do so coming from a position of their own beliefs. It was summed up really well by Robert Anton Wilson when he said 'What the thinker thinks, the prover proves.' Set out to prove that ET's have been here for millennia and you will, at least to your own satisfaction. Set out to prove that they haven't and you will, at least to your own satisfaction. It's YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES that count, not what anybody else tells you.
We need to stop relying solely on our masculine, logical left-brain THINKING and start opening up to our feminine, intuitive right-brain KNOWING. If we rely too much on either one we get lost- over-use of logic leads to dead materialism and over-use of intuition leads to believing anything that floats into out minds because we don't critically examine it. Personally, since I started following my intuition I've found it far more reliable than logic. It points me in the right direction and then my logical mind comes in to sift through the information.
A balance of the two is essential. Much respect to all here, I'll watch more of this stuff and see where it goes. Thanks for the links guys.:thumb_yello: p.s. Not shouting when I use CAPITAL letters, it's just that for some reason I have real difficulty making italics, underlining etc work on these forums.
I must be doing something wrong but I haven't a clue what that might be. I've only watched the first few minutes of this so far, but already I see flaws in the debunking argument. Specifically, the use of the full passage from Isiah 13:5 'They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even] the LORD, and the weapons of HIS indignation, to destroy the whole land.' Throughout the Bible the use of the word LORD is misleading. In the original Hebrew text the word is ELOHIM, which is a combination of masculine and feminine. It is also PLURAL not singular. The translation we have today is roughly ELOHIM = SINGULAR GOD = LORD.
A more correct translations would be ELOHIM = PLURAL MASCULINE AND FEMININE GODS = THE GODS. So the translation would then be 'They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even] the GODS, and the weapons of THEIR indignation, to destroy the whole land.' So if anything this strengthens Tsarion's arguement. Remember that the standard version of the Bible is the Authorised King James version, i.e. The version that King James wanted us to read.
I believe the penalties were severe if you were caught with a version he didn't want you to read. I believe that, that bible is written by the Rosicrucian Francis Bacon but I can't remember where I found that. Let's just think of this as an opinion. Anyhoo, the bottom line is that all information is suspect, no matter who the source is. When people such as Tsarion and Watt get up and present information to people they do so coming from a position of their own beliefs.
It was summed up really well by Robert Anton Wilson when he said 'What the thinker thinks, the prover proves.' Set out to prove that ET's have been here for millennia and you will, at least to your own satisfaction. Set out to prove that they haven't and you will, at least to your own satisfaction.
It's YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES that count, not what anybody else tells you. We need to stop relying solely on our masculine, logical left-brain THINKING and start opening up to our feminine, intuitive right-brain KNOWING. If we rely too much on either one we get lost- over-use of logic leads to dead materialism and over-use of intuition leads to believing anything that floats into out minds because we don't critically examine it. Personally, since I started following my intuition I've found it far more reliable than logic. It points me in the right direction and then my logical mind comes in to sift through the information. A balance of the two is essential.
Driver Penna Usb Dikoma. I can agree on that but the right brain or so to speak emotion based knowing can be biased. Which happened a lot of times to me before and proven me wrong. 'Knowing' or well 'gnosis' perhaps can be bent with outside influence since it can be shaped into a reality in the brain. Cold facts are much more fun to handle imho:original: Much respect to all here, I'll watch more of this stuff and see where it goes. Thanks for the links guys.:thumb_yello: p.s. Not shouting when I use CAPITAL letters, it's just that for some reason I have real difficulty making italics, underlining etc work on these forums. I must be doing something wrong but I haven't a clue what that might be.
I would recommend (if you've got the time of course) that you check out the sources of my and your claims. Who they are and why they would write such claims (is it based on fact or opinion?). Hope it will lead us to a better form of knowing.
Respect to you too Sunrunner and take care. Caps-lock sucks btw:D.