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Ppt On Online Banking System Project In Java

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Ppt On Online Banking System Project In Java

Feb 16, 2014 Download E Banking Project in Java PPT, Source Code, Project Report, Documentation, SRS, DFD, Sequence diagram, Flow chart from below link.

SYNOPSIS ON BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • 1. Prepared by: Manish Najkani(10BCA38) Rahul Nath(10BCA40)Nitish Xavier Tirkey(10BCA52) Submitted to: BCA DEPT. Renu Kewalramani Class: SY BCA Sem-IV • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am thankful to all the faculty members, providing theirvaluable time and guidance in elaborating view of studying theproject details and getting the right vision for its implementation. I am also thankful to Mrs. Renu Kewalramani, who is having avast knowledge of DBMS, System Analysis and Design &Programming concepts which are the building block of project. I also thank Mr.

Samir Thakkar, our H.O.D., and all otherfaculty members who are directly or indirectly involved with ourproject. I am also pleased with the support and co-operation of thelab in charge in order to make use of the free lab slots. • AbstractRequirements definition and management is recognized as a necessary stepin the delivery of successful systems and software projects, discipline isalso required by standards, regulations, and quality improvement initiatives.Creating and managing requirements is a challenge of IT, systems andproduct development projects or indeed for any activity where you have tomanage a contractual relationship. Organization need to effectively defineand manage requirements to ensure they are meeting needs of the customer,while proving compliance and staying on the schedule and within budge.The impact of a poorly expressed requirement can bring a business out ofcompliance or even cause injury or death. Requirements definition andmanagement is an activity that can deliver a high, fast return on investment.The BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM undertaken as a project is basedon relevant technologies. The main aim of this project is to developsoftware for bank management system.

This project is to develop softwarefor bank management system. This project has been developed to carry outthe processes easily and quickly, which is not possible with the manualssystems, which are overcome by this software. This project is developedusing VB language and. Hence it provides the complete solution for thecurrent management system. • Table of Contents1. Introduction of the Project 1.1. Project Objective 1.2.

Project Benefit 1.3. Project Scope 1.4. Project Limitation2. System Development Life Cycle 2.1. Preliminary Investigation 2.1.1.

Request Clarification 2.1.2. Feasibility Study Technical Feasibility

Economical Feasibility Operational Feasibility 2.1.3.

Request Approval 2.2. Determination of System Requirements3.

System Design 3.1. Interface Design 3.1.1. User Interface 3.1.2. Communication Interface 3.2. Detailed System Specification 3.2.1. Detailed System Design Functional Flow of System Data Flow of System4.

Testing & Debugging5. Appendix 5.1.

References Introduction of the Project • 1.1. Project Objective • To allow only authorized user to access various function and processed available in the system. • Locate any A/C wanted by the user.

• Reduced clerical work as most of the work done by computer. • Provide greater speed & reduced time consumption.1.2. Project Benefits Some benefits are: • Access to privilege banking zone • Dedicated Relationship Manager • International Debit Card with insurance coverage • Facility to link with current account • Anywhere Banking with higher limits • Daily account balance alerts • Multi-city cheque book with 25 leaves1.3. Project Scope Banking activities are considered to be the life blood of the national Economy. Without banking services, trading and business activities cannot be carried on smoothly. Banks are the distributors and protectors of liquid capital which is of vital significance to a developing country.

Efficient administration of the banking system helps in the economic Growth of the nation. Banking is useful to trade and commerce.1.4. Project Limitation • • The failure of a larger institution could have serious ramifications for the entire system in that if one universal bank were to collapse, it could lead to a systemic financial crisis.

• Universal bankers may be tempted to take excessive risks. • Banks may deploy their own assets in securities with consequent risk to commercial and savings deposits. • Vulnerable to high risks due to investment banking activities coupled with focus on commercial banking activities.

• Unsound loans may be made in order to shore up the price of securities or the financial position of companies in which a bank had invested its own assets.System Development Life Cycle Implementation Preliminary Investigation Determination of System Testing Requirements Developm ent of Design of System System • System development Life cycle consist of two major steps of Systemanalysis and design. It includes set of activities that analysts, designers andusers carry out to develop and implement an information system. So, here we followed the different stages of system development lifecycle to develop Billing Software efficiently. The systems development life cycle consists of the followingactivities: 1. Preliminary Investigation 2.

Determination Requirements 3. Design of System 4.

Development of System 5. System Testing 6.

Preliminary Investigation For this, the need arises to understand the viewpoint of two important entities Top management and users. In order to gather pertinent information, I interviewed the TopManagement and asked the following questions: • • How the present system works? • What all drawbacks are in the present system? • What is their vision about the new system? • What specific facilities they want from new system, those are currently not in scope of existing system? • How will data flow in the system? • Who will be authenticated to access data and his/her access rights?

To find more about present system’s working mechanism such as the ways of getting inputs and providing outputs, I interviewed the current users of the system by asking following question: • Are they comfortable with the present system? • What flaws exists in the current system? • Do they feel the necessity of new system? • What will be their requirements from new system? • Are they satisfied with their role in new system?After carrying out these interviews, I drew conclusion about the TopManagement’s requirements and whether users are in support of the newsystem.This activity is consisting of three parts:-2.1.1.

Request Clarification As previously stated, the requests are made from employees and users in the organization, which are not clearly stated, therefore a • system investigation is being considered. The project request must be examined to determine precisely what the originator wants. My project is basically meant for Receipt & Revenue section so taking in to consideration of all these tasks; the corresponding development came in to existence.2.1.2.

Feasibility Study Feasibility study tried to determine whether a given solution would work or not. Its main objective is not to solve the problem, but to acquire its scope. It focuses on following: • Meet user requirements • Best utilization of available resources • Develop a cost effective system • Develop a technically feasible system It is further classified into 3 aspects:- Technical Feasibility Issues to be studied are, whether the work for the project will be done with current equipment, existing S/W technology and available personnel?

If the new technology is required, then what is the likelihood that it can be developed? • This billing software is technically feasible.

The primarytechnical requirement includes the availability of Windows 2000 orhigher version of operating systems installed in the network. MSAccess is also required which was already installed. To developprograms VB 6.0 was required which was also available. Reliability,access power and data security was also available. The system can alsobe developed if the new technology is acquired.

Thus, through all theends technical feasibility was met. The tools that we were requiring were all available to us theyare:- Hardware Requirements Server Machine: Minimum p-3, 256 MB RAM, 20 GB Hard Disk Client Machine: Minimum p-3, 128 MB RAM, 8 GB Hard Disk Printer: 132 columns High Speed Dot Matrix Printer with local language support Software Requirements Windows OS: Version 2000 and above; Source: Microsoft forServer • Windows OS: Version 2000 or XP; Source: Microsoft forClient Visual Basic: Version 6.0 and above; Source: Microsoft MS-Access: Version 2000 and above; Source: Microsoft2.1.2.2. Economic Feasibility Issues to be studied are, whether the new system is costeffective or not? The benefits in the form of reduced cost?

This billing software is economically feasible. As thehardware was installed from quite beginning, the cost on project ofhardware is low. Similarly, the software loaded for this project wasused even after this project was developed for many other applications.The software cost was under budget. Moreover, the technicalrequirements were already available so there was no furtherexpenditure for buying software packages. Operational Feasibility Issues to be studied are, is there sufficient support for managementand users?

Is the current method acceptable to users? Will theproposed system cause any harm? This billing software is operationally feasible. This applicationprovides the necessary information to the user such as how to enter theinformation regarding different operations performed on the database.The application was planned in such a way that no prior knowledge • was required to go through the various operations. The user just needed to have the basic knowledge of computers. Free Lock Software For Pc.

This software also possesses behavioral feasibility. It’s because the users of the system are computer professionals and know the advantages of computer system. Moreover, this application is going to enhance their skills and reduce their workloads. Request Approval Not all the requested projects are desirable or feasible. However, those that are both feasible and desirable should be put into scheduled.

After the project is approved, its cost, priority, completion time and personnel requirements are estimated and used to determine where to add it to any project list. The Top Management reviewed the above factors and gave their ascent. After the consent to request approval, the design was taken up.2.2. Determination of System Requirement Determination of system requirement means studying the adjacent system in order to collect the details regarding the way it captures data, processes the data, produces the output. I used following techniques for identifying system requirements: • • Reviewing organization documents • Onsite observations • Conducting interviews 2.2.1.

Reviewing OrganizationDocuments I first learnt about the organization involved in, or affected by the project, I got to know how the department works and the employees were directly involved/associated with the application. Annual manuals and reports were of great help to me. Onsite Observations It is a process of recognizing and observing people, objects and their occurrence to obtain the information. The major objective of the Onsite Observation is to get as close as possible to real system being studied. Here, I observed the activities of the system directly. I saw the office environment, workload on the system, and workload on the users.

The physical layout of the current system along with the location & movement of staff was analyzed. In this way, the • information about the present workflow, objects and people was gathered. This helped me to understand various procedures & processes, which were to be developed in the new system. Conducting Interviews Written documents and onsite observation just tell that how the system should operate.

They do not include enough details to allow a decision to be made about the merits of system proposal, nor do they present user views about the current system. I conducted interviews of the staff, which were directly involved with the application. Also the regular users of the application were interviewed. Based on their viewpoints, crystal clear system requirements were jolted down. These interviews were of great help. Design of System3.1. Interface Design A well-designed interface improves the user perception of the content or services.

It needs not to be flashy but it should be ergonomically sound. Two main types of design interface, which I considered, are: • • User Interface • Communication Interface3.1.1. User Interface The various documents that are maintained by the RR section that have been used to analyze the user interfaces that will interact with the billing software. The billing software consists of many modules and these modules consist of various sub modules, which provides the user with various facilities.3.1.2. Communication Interface The software may either be installed on a client server based setup with a Local Area Network (using the Ethernet Interface, one to one connection and TCP/IP) or on a standalone machine whereby client and server components resides on the same machine.3.2. Detailed Design SpecificationComplete design specification serves the following purposes: • • It should be able to adequately serve as training material for new project members, imparting them enough information and understanding about the project implementation.

• It should serve as “Objective Evidence” that the designers and/or implementers are following through on their commitment to implement the functionality described in their requirements specifications. Detailed Design The design that we have formed for the new system are given as under:- Data Flow Diagram:0-Level DFD Account No User Account Details Bank System • TransactionFlow chart • ACC. NAME BALANCE. START BANK h CUSTOMER as TRANSACTION Done byDEBIT CREDIT • START • CUSTOMER has has FIXED ACCOUNT DEPOSITE AMOUNT ID. How To Install Cracked Waves Bundle Free here. DURATION BALANCE ACC.

ID.Transaction Process • TRANSACTION CUSTOMER CURRENT BALANCE DEBIT CREDIT UPDATE BALANCE UPDATE BALANCE BALANCE • Testing & Debugging Testing is a process of executing the program with the intent of finding errors and it establishes confidence that the program does what it is suppose to do. Testing can be performed in two ways:- Unit Testing:It is testing of individual module. Before initiating unit testing, it mustbe ensured that the code is peer previewed. Integration Testing: • Integration testing is performed after all the software units are combinedtogether. The objective here is to test the software interfaces. Projectteam conducts the integration testing. Before entering integrationtesting, it may be ensured that code review and unit testing have beenperformed on the individual software modules.

I conducted the unit testing for finding errors and the results of the unit testing are recorded and action initiated for rectification of the errors/defects. VALIDATION Almost every field in the database which is sensitive i.e. Responsible for some important changes are validated.

Basically we validated the field as such is numeric and the length in case of the primary keys and also used the Data base to complete most of the details once entered at the data entry time, So that while performing the transaction at faster rate also the user is not going to face any problems or can make any sort of blunders in the fine, status, book no that can be issued, and other important fields. Mostly the validation is carried out in the lost focus, click, change and other similar events where the entered value is compared with the one stored in the database and if there is duplication to occur or no match with the database then the entry is to be removed and user is prompt to reenter it. • Implementation & consequently maintenance was notincluded as part of our project. Testing Process • APPENDIX5.1. References Books: System Analysis & Design Elias M.Awad (Galgotia Publication) Microsoft Access (e-book) System Analusis & Design James A. Senn Mastering VB (e-book) Websites: http://www.google.com.