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Folder Size 6.1 Serial

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Folder Size 6.1 Serial

FolderSizes Release Notes FolderSizes - Release Notes To download the latest version of FolderSizes, please visit the. Version 8.4.155 (Released June 6, 2017) • Feature: Official support for Windows 10 Creators Update. • Feature: Added selection assistance tool to the duplicate files report.

Folder Size 6.1 Serial

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• Feature: Improved ribbon and tool bar displays in high DPI environments. • Feature: Improved default report view column widths for high DPI environments. • Feature: Reduced the amount of memory consumed by Excel data export operations. • Feature: Added the option to copy security attributes when performing cross-volume file move operations (Vista or later only). • Feature: Updated version of SQLite internal database.

• Feature: The 'Explorer Operation' section of the shell context menu now supports a broader range of actions and third-party applications. • Bug fix: Regular expression matching (in filtering and search) was not working as intended. • Bug fix: Fixed display of date/time values where timestamps of midnight were not being shown. • Bug fix: Exclusionary search folder rules that match by calculated date/time were halting the search process early. • Bug fix: Fixed problem with re-loading ribbon bar state when running in high DPI environments.

• Bug fix: Fixed problem with how certain exclusionary folder rules were being evaluated. • Bug fix: Choosing context menu 'Exclude folder(s) with scan filter rule' from the context menu now enables scan filtering globally. • Bug fix: Context menu options that don't apply to search results are now correctly disabled when applicable. • Bug fix: Fixed minor visual artifact in ribbon when using dark themes and main window is maximized. • Bug fix: Fixed minor memory leaks in certain user interface components.

Version 8.3.150 (Released September 27, 2016) • Feature: Add official support for Windows Server 2016. • Bug fix: Renaming files with long path lengths could fail in some circumstances.

• Bug fix: Scheduling multiple snapshot creation tasks for the same time of day could produce a file sharing error. • Bug fix: Refreshing a scan when the view root is located below the current scan root could trigger a crash. • Bug fix: Fixed rare file extension computation bug that could result in a crash. • Bug fix: Other minor bug fixes. Version 8.3.149 (Released August 18, 2016) • Bug fix: Fixed bug in Excel export routine that would pevent XLSX exports from exceeding 65,536 rows (correct limit is 1,048,576). • Bug fix: Fixed bug that resulted in the default cluster size always being used for allocated (size on disk) computations. • Bug fix: Fixed problem with abnormal rendering of radio buttons in welcome wizard screens.

• Bug fix: Minor corrections for high DPI displays. Version 8.3.145 (Released August 9, 2016) • Feature: Added support for loading paths from a text file via the Paths drop-down button menu. • Feature: Full file path column is now visible by default on largest, oldest, newest, temp, and duplicate file reports. • Feature: Added the ability to specify a view root path from the command line or scheduler interfaces. • Feature: Now notifying users that file report range edits will not be applied until the report is re-executed. • Feature: Data export for all file types except XML will now perform late file ownership resolution. • Feature: Added the ability to copy the currently selected scan filter or search rule.

• Feature: Help file improvements, including a number of content revisions. • Feature: Various minor performance and cosmetic (UI) enhancements. • Bug fix: Fixed minor (low impact) common root computation algorithm bug. • Bug fix: Some folder report context menu options are now disabled while a scan is in progress. • Bug fix: Folder report drag and drop operations are now disabled while a scan is in progress. • Bug fix: Folder report deletions are now disabled while a scan is in progress. • Bug fix: Double-clicking certain file report footer rows could trigger a crash.

• Bug fix: Default selection failed when creating a folder report from the command line without specifying a graph type. • Bug fix: Search scheduled task sort column selection wasn't working for all columns; also fixed missing entries. • Bug fix: Fixed issues with folder report chart views not printing at correct sizes. • Bug fix: Fixed issue with welcome wizard window content not displaying properly on some systems. • Bug fix: Other minor fixes and improvements.

Version 8.2.137 (Released May 9, 2016) • Bug fix: Fixed multi-column sort regression introduced in v8.2.134. • Bug fix: Fixed font size issue that caused graph view text to be printed incorrectly. • Bug fix: Some Excel export operations continued to write data even after exceeding the Excel max row count limit. Version 8.2.134 (Released April 29, 2016) • Feature: Added the ability to retain original folder structure during file move or copy operations (from search or file report detail views). • Feature: File reports now include summary (total) footers, visible by default (see options window to disable).

• Feature: HTML and PDF export functions were updated to include new summary (total) footers. • Feature: File reports Excel format exports were updated to include new summary (total) footers, including new SUM formulas for byte values. • Feature: Task scheduler detail list view now supports sorting. • Feature: Added duplicate file report option (on by default) that causes it to ignore files currently being managed by Windows Server data deduplication. • Feature: Additional fields added to duplicate file report CSV/TXT export format. • Feature: File report default column layouts have been revised and made more consistent.

• Feature: Exporting search results for large data sets can take some time, so we've added an on-screen wait message. • Feature: Zip compression progress dialog now shows a count of remaining files to process. • Feature: The path of a text file containing multiple scan paths (one per line) can now be passed into the 'search' command line parameter. • Feature: Help file updates, including a new topic for file processing operations and associated options. • Bug fix: Fixed rare (hard-to-reach) crash condition when attemtping to export empty report contents.

• Bug fix: Fixed extremely rare detail report printing crash condition. • Bug fix: Fixed Search report crash that could occur when deleting items (via delete key) while the search was still in progress.

• Bug fix: Ribbon bar option 'Graph Show Allocated' was not retaining state between application sessions. • Bug fix: Fixed incorrect column name in duplicate file report CSV/TXT export format. • Bug fix: Fixed UTF-8 encoding problem that could occur with text-based export file formats. • Bug fix: Fit for file processing log file browsing unnecessarily warning about file replacement if the file already exists.

• Bug fix: Minor theme fixes and improvements. Version 8.1.128 (Released March 15, 2016) • Feature: Improved support for high DPI displays. • Feature: New setting in Options Export that offers a choice between grouped and 'flat' duplicate file report export formats. • Feature: Improved performance when exporting duplicate file reports to 'flat' (non-grouped) Excel file format. • Feature: Improved sorting algorithms with equality fallback ordering for increased stability and readability.

• Feature: Improved printing of main window folder report detail view. • Bug fix: Fixed appearance of links in the Options Export window.

• Bug fix: In certain cases, snapshots were incorrectly recording unknown file system object ownership state. • Bug fix: Resolved rare trend anzlyzer subfolder change crash relating to incorrect context menu state logic. • Bug fix: Some drive space docking panel UI elements didn't change immediately after switching themes. • Bug fix: Printouts of computer view incorrectly included command bar header. • Bug fix: Now handling rare numeric overflow condition associated with folder report bar graph view. • Bug fix: Now using whole number rounding in the file report range editor calculator field. • Bug fix: Fixed potential lockout user interface state during zip compression under specific error conditions.

Version 8.1.123 (Released February 11, 2016) • Bug fix: Fixed v8.1.122 regression that caused missing 'Unknown files' group in File Types report. Version 8.1.122 (Released February 11, 2016) • Feature: Improved detail view default font color. • Feature: Added the ability to choose a preferred detail view color for encrypted files / folders. • Bug fix: Installer failed to run on Windows Vista without SP2. • Bug fix: Resolved cosmetic problem that could cause 'inf%' to be shown in percentage bar indicators.

• Bug fix: File Groups report could crash if the file report analysis was cancelled prior to completion. • Bug fix: Fixed rare crash that could occur when refreshing with the main window pie chart view. Version 8.1.121 (Released February 6, 2016) • Bug fix: Scheduler incorrectly showed 'scheduled task names must be unique' error when editing a task. Version 8.1.120 (Released February 4, 2016) • Feature: FolderSizes installer is now dual-signed with SHA1/SHA2. • Bug fix: Trend analyzer was not correctly handling scan paths with inconsistent termination.

• Bug fix: Trend analyzer would crash if date/time values were adjusted before data was loaded. • Bug fix: Drive space panel right-click context menu was not appearing on Windows XP / Server 2003. Version 8.1.117 (Released February 2, 2016) • Feature: Added new themes with orange accent colors. • Feature: Extended available dark themes to provide optional blue, red, green, or orange accents. • Feature: Extended use of theme colors into progress bars and other UI areas.

• Feature: Improved rendering style of progress bars in the main window Computer view. • Feature: Added the ability to edit the names of scheduled tasks (during initial creation only). • Feature: All report detail views now honor the user's preferred grid style. • Feature: The 'Full owner lookup during export' option is now off by default (see Options Export).

• Feature: Added the ability to set the current file size display method from the File Reporter toolbar. • Feature: Improved default row focus behavior in various detail report views. • Feature: Exporting all File Reports as HTML now includes an index for improved report navigation. • Feature: Exporting empty detail views now adds 'no items to show' to the empty table. • Feature: Docking drive space panel now offers new columns, improved column configuration, and improved theming.

• Feature: Docking drive space panel clipboard export is now comma delimted (with headers) for improved consistency. • Feature: Docking drive space panel now shows tooltips for drive letter column only (for improved consistency with other reports). • Feature: Added the ability to purge the volume history database (see Options Drive Space). • Feature: The docking drive space window can now export visible column data or complete detail data. • Bug fix: Scheduler window could incorrectly show 'One or more of the specified email addresses in invalid' in specific cases. • Bug fix: Application manifest was incorrectly identified as being high DPI aware.

• Bug fix: Some controls weren't enabled (by default) when editing an existing file report scheduled task. • Bug fix: Disk reporter list tooltips were not themed correctly. • Bug fix: 'Run as administrator' shortcut was not working correctly. • Bug fix: Changing application theme would incorrectly reset tooltip visibilty preference.

• Bug fix: Resolved minor inconsistencies in available export file formats for some reports. • Bug fix: Resolved application exit crash that could occur after using the task scheduler multiple times. • Bug fix: Resolved application exit crash that could occur when changing application theme from within welcome dialog.

• Bug fix: Hyperlinks within the version update notification pop-up window where not functioning. Version 8.0.102 (Released January 8, 2016) • Bug fix: Various fixes for application themes. • Bug fix: Additional bug fixes and improvements. • Bug fix: Fixed potential crash regression introduced in 8.0.101. Version 8.0.91 (Released January 5, 2016) • Feature: Added official support for Windows 10. • Feature: Significant performance improvements when generating Folder Reports (especially against network file systems). • Feature: Significant performance improvements when generating Snapshots (especially against network file systems).

• Feature: Significant performance improvements when generating File Reports (especially against network file systems). • Feature: Significant performance improvements when importing trend analyzer data on multi-core computers (especially from network file systems). • Feature: All new set of windows, dialog, and ribbon bar themes with green, black, red, and blue accents. • Feature: All detail reports now support multi-column sorting (hold the shift key and click multiple column headers in sequence). • Feature: Search tool can now locate folders based upon the number of files and/or folders that they contain. • Feature: Search tool and File Report windows now offer file processing capabilities, including copy, move, delete, and archive functions.

• Feature: Improved colorization of the treemap file system visualization helps to differentiate children of the current view root. • Feature: Added an option to widen the folder bar graph label area, thus increasing object name visibility.

• Feature: Folder bar graph now uses right-aligned labels by default (can be toggled in Graph tab of ribbon bar). • Feature: Scan filtering and search have been simplified via removal of the 'Include all files' and 'Include all folders' switches (this behavior is now deduced automatically). • Feature: The scheduler (and cmd line) can now automatically purge old report files from the output folder(s) associated with a scheduled task. • Feature: When exporting data to XML, date/time values are now represented in standards-compliant ISO 8601 format (UTC).

• Feature: The duplicate file report presentation has been completely re-designed so that master/detail interaction is no longer required. • Feature: The duplicate file report can now be printed directly from within FolderSizes (no longer necessary to export and print externally).

• Feature: Added duplicate file report options for ignoring special and numeric characters when comparing file names. • Feature: The duplicate file report now honors the current report layout when exporting to file formats intended for human consumption (HTML, PDF, etc.). Luca Visual Fx Keygen Music.

• Feature: File report detail views now offer superior header column customization support that is retained between uses. • Feature: Many file reports now provide a default sort column (where it makes sense to do so). • Feature: Largest, oldest, newest, temporary, and duplicate file reports now expose attribute, depth, and file type columns (hidden by default). • Feature: Search tool can now find folders based upon their (immediate or aggregate) file/folder count. • Feature: Search results list now offers immediate file and folder count columns (hidden by default). • Feature: Added multiple new scan filter samples that can used to limit results by file owner, file creation time, and more.

• Feature: File report navigation has been improved and simplified, with graph views now shows as child tabs where applicable. • Feature: File report detail views now offer improved column selection, tooltips, theme support, and layout. • Feature: You can now enter environment variables (e.g. '%TMP%') in place of scan paths anywhere that manual path entry is permitted. • Feature: You can now search for folders by their calculated modified, accessed, or created date/time stamp. • Feature: Search results report now offers optional (hidden by default) 'Modified (calculated)', 'Accessed (calculated)', and 'Created (calculated)' columns.

• Feature: Search result detail view now offers enhanced theme support, improved tooltips, and improved column configuration options. • Feature: Added 'from address' validation to the email section of the options window (validation occurs during testing). • Feature: Trend analyzer detail reports can now be exported in XML and PDF file formats (in addition to existing format options). • Feature: File report owner lookup options have been combined into a single, master lookup switch.

• Feature: Temporary file report default file matching mask has been extended to include partial downloads,.temp files, and more. • Feature: Trend analyzer detail report exports now match on-screen report layout when exporting to file formats intended for human consumption (HTML, PDF, etc.).

• Feature: Added an option (on by default) to shorten pie graph labels when showing file or folder names. • Feature: Excel export improvements to column auto-sizing logic as well as minor compatibility enhancements.

• Feature: Disk history detail view dialog now includes the drive label in the graph content. • Feature: Disk reporter now includes a history graph that shows trend lines for all volumes included in the report. • Feature: Disk reporter trend reporting mechanism now shows absolute change in used space (in addition to existing percentage change). • Feature: When scheduling a disk report with the task scheduler, you can now elect to export the disk history graph image. • Feature: Disk report export data is now more consistent across file types and exposes normal, percentage, and byte values in separate columns.

• Feature: Trend analyzer graphs now have titles, making them easier to identify when exported as image files. • Feature: Trend analyzer subfolder change report now exposes starting and ending file/folder counts (folder count columns are hidden by default). • Feature: Trend analyzer now allows users to view files/folders associated with any snapshot/directory combination (when using.fssx files as a data source). • Feature: Trend analyzer subfolder change report now allows display of starting/ending snapshot files/folders (when using.fssx files as a data source). • Feature: Trend analyzer is no longer limited to a single instance across multiple FolderSizes processes. • Feature: My Computer view now displays actual drive icons, extracted from the Windows shell. • Feature: Folder reports, file reports, and snapshot generation now show a 'files per second' performance metric during file system scans.

• Feature: Improved item deletion sequencing in the file report range and file type group editors. • Feature: Folder report graph views now retain high/low sorting regardless of detail view sorting or active display mode. • Feature: Duplicate file report export to Excel now includes size and allocated size expressed in raw bytes.

• Feature: Largest Files banding graph now shows file names when space is available; report item indices are no longer used. • Feature: Improved shell icon extraction and caching mechanisms make for smoother, faster report displays. • Feature: Added an environmental varaible path chooser tool that is accessible from all path management locations. • Feature: Environment variables are now expanded when processing the (non-regex) name masks (and the owner match pattern) of search and scan filter rules. • Feature: Default folder report column orders have been altered for improved discoverability. • Feature: Folder report export includes additional size-in-bytes values when exporting to Excel, CSV, and XML. • Feature: Windows shell Libraries can now be selected in the Folder Browser docking panel, which will cause FolderSizes to analyze all associated physical paths.

• Feature: Any report export that exposes a 'size (bytes)' column now also exposes an 'allocated (bytes)' (e.g. Size on disk) column. • Feature: Exporting duplicate file report to MS Excel now includes a 'flat' (non-grouped) render in an adjacent worksheet. • Feature: Scroll position, row selection, and row focus are all now retained between automatic refreshes of the main window folder detail view. • Feature: Improved sorting of search results to separate folders and folders in a manner similar to the folder report and Windows Explorer. • Feature: When the main window View Sort function is used to sort the current folder report, the associated column is made visible if necessary.

• Feature: The 'Find empty folders' search sample has been improved to use contained file/folder count (rather than cumulative folder size) for reporting. • Feature: Added two new search job samples - one for finding folders with many files, and another for finding recently created document files. • Feature: Added a terabyte (TB) file size size display option to the File Sizes selector of the main window View tab. • Feature: Added new '/searchpath' command line argument for overriding the paths of a search job file (useful for scripting, etc.). • Feature: Excel detail report exports now include date and times in the headers (and page number in the footers) during printing. • Feature: Improved XML element name normalization when exporting XML data directly from a detail list view. • Feature: Folder report '% parent' and 'avg.

File size' columns now honor the graph view allocated mode switch. • Feature: Folder map highlighting now supports custom filtering via file/folder count and includes an additional preset. • Feature: XML folder data file layout has been improved to reduce overall output file size (significantly). • Feature: The XML style sheet has been updated to match new folder data file layout (styling was improved as well).

• Feature: The detail report context menu can now show properties for multiple selected file system objects (rather than just the first one). • Feature: Product installer now offers the ability to choose whether the Windows shell context menu extension is included. • Feature: The Windows shell context menu extension was updated to include the 'file depths' report. • Feature: The Windows shell context menu extension can now be used against multiple selected folder objects at once. • Feature: Interactions with disk space history database are now roughly twice as fast as previous releases. • Feature: Regular expression support has been extended, and now supports the ECMAScript (JavaScript) expression grammar. • Feature: FilterZip regular expression presets have been updated for ECMAScript compliance and extended.

• Feature: Computer view tooltips now show volume paths (GUIDs) and also lists any additional mount points for the volume. • Feature: When creating a new trend analysis, users can now constrain the scope of the data import to a specific number of days. • Feature: Added a minimize button to the general (file report, snapshot, etc.) progress window that minimizes the application. • Feature: Added status bar to scan filtering configuration dialog to help clarify current feature engagement.

• Feature: Improved handling and management of tasks (including orphaned tasks) via the integrated task scheduler tool. • Feature: Improved event logging during FilterZip operations and a new button for viewing events (shown in the progress window). • Feature: FilterZip tool now produces zip files with Unicode extension support. • Feature: Various improvements to disk history storage mechanisms to improve performance and provide better process instance isolation.

• Feature: The performance of some text-based export operations (such as CSV and HTML) have been improved considerably (up to 3x faster). • Feature: The disk history database has been re-located to an unversioned file system location so that it isn't lost after major version upgrades. • Feature: The File Report range editor dialog now provides min/max value edit controls with embedded calculator buttons. • Feature: The File Dates file report can now switch between showing modified, created, and accessed date/time stamps without needing a rescan. • Feature: The File Names file report can now switch between showing file name and full path lengths without needing a rescan.

• Feature: The File Sizes file report can now switch between showing file sizes or allocated sizes without needing a rescan. • Feature: FilterZip dialog window can now be resized horizontally, with size and position now retained between uses. • Feature: Improved layout and theming for extension database browser dialog. • Bug fix: Resolved crash that could occur on x64 systems when drilling into a file system node via the main window pie graph view. • Bug fix: Searching of snapshot files would incorrectly attempt file owner resolution (ownership should only be shown when contained by the snapshot). • Bug fix: Searching a snapshot file with the 'include all folders' option engaged didn't work unless the 'search subfolders' option was also engaged. • Bug fix: Changing the 'set allocated size of offline files' scanning option didn't enable/disable the adjacent drop-down box immediately.

• Bug fix: Specific file report toolbar shortcut keys were not working as expected. • Bug fix: Resetting the temp file report file name mask field to its default values did not take effect immediately. • Bug fix: Option to suppress folder report pie graph labels was not being applied.

• Bug fix: File types report graph view was not showing the extension part of the label. • Bug fix: Changed search dialog samples toolbar button hotkey to avoid conflict with 'select all' CTRL+A key combination. • Bug fix: Search dialog file size totals (shown in status bar) were displayed incorrectly. • Bug fix: When searching for file system objects by name, commas in the name mask were being interpreted incorrectly. • Bug fix: Update check notification pop-up couldn't be closed while a modal dialog was on screen. • Bug fix: The docking drive space panel would not show drives with duplicate volume serial numbers. • Bug fix: Fixed crash that could occur when refreshing a multi-path folder analysis from the main window.

• Bug fix: Fixed crash that occurred when removing all elements via the file report range editor. • Bug fix: Resolved a number of bugs relating to the display of folder report graphs when using the allocated space display option. • Bug fix: File report graphs were not honoring master graph tooltip display option.

• Bug fix: The used and free disk space columns were reversed on the network share share selection dialog. • Bug fix: Sorting from the header context popup menu of the main window folder view didn't work. • Bug fix: NTFS compression option was not being applied to certain qualified export file types.

• Bug fix: Applying 'best fit' to a single folder detail report column (from context menu) was not working. • Bug fix: Reparse point folders may now be reported in search results even when configured not to follow them. • Bug fix: Corrected the fidelity and transparency of toolbar images in the search window (noticable when using dark theme).

• Bug fix: Triggering snapshot creation from the FolderSizes shell context menu extension was not populating the snapshot path correctly. • Bug fix: Starting a new trend analysis with an existing tree node selected could potentially cause a crash.

• Bug fix: Trend analyzer window could be slow to launch initially in some environments. • Bug fix: File system object ownership lookup could fail for extremely long paths.

• Bug fix: Ribbon bar groups now show representative icons when collapsed through user resizing action. • Bug fix: Fixed a rare NTFS reparse point traversal bug that could prevent certain linkages from being followed. • Bug fix: Fixed bug in the 'open with' file open fallback logic introduced in v7.1. • Bug fix: FilterZip was not correctly honoring the user reparse point traversal preference.

• Bug fix: FilterZip dialog was not correctly restoring all UI configuration elements from saved default job. • Bug fix: Fixed auto-hidden docking panel redraw problems in main window and trend analyzer dialog. • Bug fix: Some child dialog were loading incorrect icon size, causing them to appear less sharp.

Version 7.5.30 (Released February 9, 2015) • Feature: Folder report XML exports now include immediate file and folder count values. • Feature: User can now right-click entries in the main trend analyzer report view and hide data prior to that snapshot date. • Bug fix: Trend analyzer subfolder change panel was not showing newly added or removed folders. • Bug fix: Improved trend analyzer response when user changes start or end date/time values.

Version 7.5.28 (Released February 3, 2015) • Feature: Improved format of date/time stamps appended to export files to use YYYY-MM-DD format, which improves sortability. • Feature: File owners graph view can now be configured to show 'Top N' enries. • Bug fix: Specific reports, when exported to Excel file format, contained extraneous whitespace in workbook cells. • Bug fix: Fixed performance limitation when viewing a very large number of file system objects in the main window detail report. • Bug fix: Excel export functions no longer exceed the max worksheet row count of 1,048,576 (avoids the need for auto-repair in such cases).

Version 7.5.24 (Released December 5, 2014) • Bug fix: Consecutive use of PDF export would cause table rendering to be skipped. • Bug fix: Fixed license warning issue in Excel export files. • Bug fix: Fixed data pruning bug related to disk history.

• Bug fix: Improved database error handling for disk history operations. • Feature: Various performance optimizations. Version 7.5.18 (Released November 25, 2014) • Feature: Added disk usage history tracking features, including a dedicated Disk History graph/details report. • Feature: Percentage growth indicator has been integrated into the main window computer view, Disk Reporter, and docking drive space panel. • Feature: Disk reports can now be scheduled for execution and data export. Also useful for ensuring regular disk history data capture.

• Feature: Disk Reporter is now accessible via the command line (see new '/diskreport' command line switch). • Feature: The trend analyzer can now consume snapshot (.fssx) files directly (support for folder report XML data is also retained). • Feature: Snapshot (.fssx) reports now include disk level data for improved compatiblity with the trend analyzer. • Feature: Added percentage of parent indicator to pie graph slice labels. • Feature: Pie graph slice labels now display relative paths (useful when using a non-default view depth).

• Feature: Excel exports now offer improved column width sizing so that they adjust to their contents. • Feature: FolderSizes now applies NTFS compression to text-based export file types (HTML, XML, CSV & TXT). • Feature: Added the ability to reset file report ranges to their default values (within the range editor dialog). • Feature: Added a new 'Files (Immediate)' column to the main window folder detail report (including exports, etc). • Feature: Discover Shares dialog now remembers last server and domain field values between uses. • Feature: Main window and disk reporter detail views have improved vertical spacing and readability.

• Feature: File report, search, and other detail list views have improved font sizing and readability. • Feature: Progress bars in all report detail views are now slightly larger and use theme colors for increased prominence. • Feature: Search, Disk Reporter, and File Report windows now have Schedule toolbar buttons to assist with report scheduling. • Feature: Improved default search and disk reporter window sizes. • Feature: Multiple revisions have been made to the product help file.

• Feature: Various user interface improvements and additions. • Bug fix: Disk reports exported to PDF were missing columns. • Bug fix: Keyboard shortcut for the Samples toolbar button in the Search window wasn't working. Version 7.1.92 (Released September 23, 2014) • Feature: When opening a default file association fails, the Windows 'open with' chooser is shown. • Feature: When exporting all file reports as HTML/Excel, disabled file report types are no longer included. • Feature: File system node tooltips now include a percenatage of parent indicator. • Feature: File reports relying on date/time classification have received a performance boost.

• Bug fix: Folder report scheduling was not allowing the specification of a snapshot (.fssx) file path. • Bug fix: Resolved rare crash that could occur while importing data (e.g.

From snapshots, etc.) into the folder view. • Bug fix: Specifying zero as the max number of entries in newest or oldest file reports would cause a crash.

Version 7.1.84 (Released June 12, 2014) • Bug fix: File system objects in the main window folder report detail view would show the owner as 'unknown' when sorting by that column. • Bug fix: Trend analyzer subfolder change report was not responding correctly to start time changes. Version 7.1.80 (Released May 21, 2014) • Feature: Improved deployment in cases where installation is per-machine with multiple user accounts. • Feature: Sample files have been moved to the system app data path (e.g. They are no longer installed per user). • Bug fix: Resolved structural problem with snapshots generated from multiple paths. • Bug fix: Cosmetic fix to product license entry dialog window frame.

• Bug fix: Resolved assembly load issue that could occur during product uninstall or upgrade. Version 7.1.75 (Released April 29, 2014) • Feature: Added a new File Depths report, with customizable range configuration and detail/graph views. • Feature: Updated command line and scheduler interfaces to support new file depths report. • Feature: Snapshot file generation now provides a means of excluding paths.

• Feature: Added 'loadExclusionsFile' snapshot command line option (see help for details). • Feature: Added the ability to right-click the scan data panel virtual root node and refresh all top-level children.

• Feature: Where applicable, detail view tooltips are now shown only when the mouse hovers over the 'name' column. • Feature: Using the 'graphtype' command line parameter will now select the associated graph view in the user interface.

• Feature: Columns in the task scheduler list have been re-ordered for improved readability. • Feature: Added new support for themed window frames (Windows Vista and later). • Feature: File type groups list dialog is now resizable and retains sizing between uses. • Feature: Introduced new help file topics for new features and clarified several existing topics. • Feature: Exporting file report graph images now triggers the export complete dialog (with option to open exported file).

• Feature: Minor improvements to the file report range editor dialog to increase usability. • Bug fix: Snapshot window control state was not being retained between uses. • Bug fix: Resolved hit test failure when right-clicking the icon portion of a scan data tree node. • Bug fix: Resolved crash that could occur when right-clicking an unavailable path in the folder browser docking panel. • Bug fix: When using the dark application theme, folder report detail view text could become obscured upon row selection. • Bug fix: When expanding scan data tree nodes to specific levels, the selected node is now automatically collapsed first.

• Bug fix: Resolved installer problem that prevented creation of.fssx (snapshot) file type association on 32-bit systems. • Bug fix: Resolved dynamic text layout discrepancies (associated with default font sizes) on Windows XP. Version 7.0.67 (Released April 7, 2014) • Feature: User is now prompted to confirm closure of search window if a search is in progress. • Feature: Excel exports now include raw file system object size values (in bytes), for improved sorting, filtering, etc. • Bug fix: Search and scan filter rules could miss certain objects with date/time stamps occurring in the future (relative to local system clock). • Bug fix: Search job scan filtering enable/disable state is now retained during save/load operations.

• Bug fix: Fixed bug in Excel exports where numbers were being truncated at the thousands separator. Version 7.0.58 (Released March 24, 2014) • Feature: Snapshot generator UI state is no longer saved on exit when initiated via scheduler or command line. • Feature: Improved icon extraction performance associated with imported offline file systems. • Feature: Added compression and reparse point traversal options to the snapshot scheduler and command line interface. • Feature: Various help file additions, changes, and corrections.

• Feature: Various minor performance enhancements. • Bug fix: Generating a file (or search) report from a snapshot would, in specific cases, take an excessive amount of time. • Bug fix: Resolved problem with trend analyzer missing folder data if disk information was not populated in XML files. • Bug fix: Resolved rare trend analyzer crash that could occur during secondary data imports. • Bug fix: Folder reports generated from snapshots without file system object ownership data were attempting post-import resolution. Version 7.0.51 (Released March 17, 2014) • Bug fix: Scheduled snapshot generation failed to append date/time values. • Bug fix: Fixed problem with scheduled snapshot generation.

• Bug fix: Fixed keyboard navigation bug in main window detail view. • Bug fix: Fixed potential crash during shell shortcut resolution during scanning. • Bug fix: Fixed drag and drop crash. • Bug fix: Fixed rare bug that could cause premature refresh during snapshot import. • Bug fix: Fixed rare problem with snapshot data Unicode string comparisons. Version 7.0.51 (Released March 17, 2014) • Feature: New file system snapshot feature can capture the state of an entire file system branch.

• New.fssx file association introduced for snapshots, with double-click (to open) and drag-and-drop support. • Snapshot (.fssx) files can be used to generate folder reports, file reports, and search reports (with or without scan filtering). • Snapshot (.fssx) files are fully supported by the scheduler, command line interpreter, and shell context menu. • Path selection and management features have been updated to support the selection of snapshot files.

• Feature: Added extensive support for exporting report data in Microsoft Excel Workbook (.xls or.xlsx) format. • Feature: Added the ability to export all File Reports at once, creating a single HTML or MS Excel export file. • Feature: Added option (on by default) for embedding images directly into HTML export files (works with nearly all modern browsers). • Feature: New disk reporter tool has been added to allow custom reporting for any number of local or remote disk drives. • Feature: Drag and drop support has been added to the main window detail view, which can target itself, the folder browser panel, or the scan data window. • Feature: Cut, copy, and paste support has been added to the main window detail view (via right-click context menu). • Feature: Main window reports and data visualizations have been moved into tabs within the main client area, increasing available space.

• Feature: View tab of main window ribbon bar now has a dedicated sort button that can be used to affect all detail/graph views. • Feature: File system type and volume label fields have been added to all disk space export file types (e.g. Xml, pdf, html, and csv). • Feature: Main window pie graph has been redesigned for superior appearance, performance, and use of screen real estate. • Feature: Main window graphs now share a common display mode that can switch between size, file count, and folder count metrics.

• Feature: File report graphs have been re-engineered for improved performance, printing, exporting quality, and more. • Feature: File report graphs can now be switched between size and file count views.

• Feature: File report graphs can now be rendered as either bar graphs or pie graphs (switchable at runtime). • Feature: Introduced new major version settings migration process. User will be prompted on first run of new major version installation. • Feature: Network share discovery features have been expanded, and can now optionally enumerate shares on entire domains (or workgroups).

• Feature: All XML file operations (including export, import, etc.) are now significantly faster and more memory efficient. • Feature: File report window browse button now allows for selection of multiple folders. • Feature: Folder map view now suspends recalculation and rendering while main window is being resized, improving performance.

• Feature: Main window status bar now shows current application memory usage (private working set). • Feature: Implemented a number of memory optimizations, particularly valuable for large file system data sets.

• Feature: File system object context menu now adapts based upon whether files/folders are actually available. • Feature: Added new option (on by default) that causes report printing to default to landscape mode. • Feature: Updated the file extension database to include several thousand new entries. • Feature: Updated networking subsystems for improved SMTP/HTTP compatibility and performance. • Feature: Improved performance of file extension browser tool to accommodate increased database sizes. • Feature: Toolbar buttons used to enter multiple paths now have drop-down menus that allow for faster selection of specific path types.

• Feature: Network share enumeration functions were extended to include administrative shares (such as C$, ADMIN$, etc.). • Feature: Trend analyzer top subfolder growth report has been repurposed into a general-purpose subfolder change report (now shows all data points). • Feature: The trend analyzer start date is now automatically initialized based upon imported data. • Feature: Trend analyzer default docking pane layout has been improved to provide more vertical space to non-client views. • Feature: Trend analyzer subfolder change report now uses color to better show folder growth or contraction. • Feature: Trend analyzer history charts now provide tooltips that expose additional information about their data points.

• Feature: Added 'path length', 'name length', and 'link target' columns to the main window detail view. • Feature: Significant performance improvements (roughly 3x) when using the File Report Generator to create a File Owners report. • Feature: Significant performance improvements when using the FolderSizes Search tool. • Feature: Drive views now expose device bus type (e.g. SCSI, SATA, RAID, etc.) data, including in tooltips and exports.

• Feature: Computer view now shows processor count and current logged in user name. • Feature: Computer view print and print preview functions now automatically hide the command bar portion of the screen. • Feature: Improved (more informative) search result list tooltips with a new option that allows them to be disabled entirely. • Feature: Storage devices of indeterminate size (e.g. That are offline) are now displayed with faded icons in the computer view.

• Feature: The drive space docking panel now updates itself without altering the current list scroll position or item selection. • Feature: Added 'depth' column to the Search results detail view.

• Feature: Added the ability to search and/or scan filter by file system object depth (computed as an absolute depth from the path root). • Feature: A number of scan filter and search job sample files are now accessible from their respective dialog windows. • Feature: Event logs now have a fixed maximum size (25,600 entries) which, when exceeded, will trigger log entry rotation. • Feature: Path input menus now offer an explicit option for manual path entry, with syntactic examples. • Feature: Path input menus now offer a method of choosing specific local disk drives (e.g. A disk chooser dialog). • Feature: The Newest Files and File Type Groups file report types have been added to the shell context menu.

• Feature: Improved date/time serialization/deserialization in trend analysis data import procedure, providing broader locale support. • Feature: Detail view context menu now allows mapped network drive paths to be copied to the clipboard in Universal (UNC) format • Feature: Added a new, 'Modern Office' graph palette option to the main window theme selection button. • Feature: Improved tooltip trigger area trigger for devices shown within the computer view. • Feature: Improved crash reporting to recognize modern Windows OS releases and send additional information. • Feature: Added advanced option for folder reports that allows all child files to be tracked in memory during scanning and snapshot import. • Feature: Added a switch that allows file ownership resolution to be disabled for search jobs.

• Bug fix: The confirmtion that appears when deleting files to the Windows Recycle Bin now notes that network file system objects are deleted permanently. • Bug fix: Sorting of top subfolder growth detail view (by name) in the trend analyzer window was (incorrectly) case sensitive.

• Bug fix: Pie graph slice count was one less than the user-configured maximum value. • Bug fix: Resolved minor thread memory leak that occurred during import of XML folder report data. • Bug fix: Resolved issues that could occur if user clicked main frame close button to close print preview. • Bug fix: Largest files report banding graph tooltips showed incorrect file/folder count values. • Bug fix: Trend analysis graph colors weren't conforming to user-selected graph palette.

• Bug fix: Scan data window tooltips are no longer shown while right-click context menu is on-screen. • Bug fix: Renaming a file system object and then deleting it (in the main window detail view) would cause a crash. • Bug fix: Up path navigation button would fail to be enabled in specific circumstances. • Bug fix: Oldest and newest file report detail views were not processing multiple file deletions correctly (only processed first selection). • Bug fix: Resolved a rare problem with file system enumeration that could cause the analysis to loop within inaccessible paths.

• Bug fix: Splash screen wouldn't show on first run under certain specific conditions (contigent on screen resolution). • Bug fix: Clicking the main window detail info panel hyperlink for an offline (unavailable) file system node didn't work as expected. Version 6.1.76 (Released August 22, 2013) • Bug fix: Date/time values were being converted incorrectly during XML data import operations.

• Bug fix: During XML data import operations, the 'last accessed' value was being incorrectly initialized. • Bug fix: In specific circumstances, the scan data docking window tree would not update expanded nodes during scanning operations.

• Bug fix: Added exception handling code for extremely rare file report date/time range loading crash scenario. • Bug fix: Resolved inconsistency with shell context menu insertion position. • Bug fix: Fixed extremely rare application context menu initialization crash. Version 6.1.73 (Released July 1, 2013) • Bug fix: Resolved discrepencies in newline termination during text export operations.

• Bug fix: Resolved inconsistent honoring of 'add byte order marker' option. • Bug fix: Installer could show 'warning 1910' in some scenarios (cosmetic only). Version 6.1.71 (Released February 5, 2013) • Bug fix: Resolved problem with printing (and print preview) often forcing last detail report column onto second page. • Bug fix: Scheduled task subfolder display depth was not carried over to command line execution string when set to '1' (the default), resulting in user changes taking precendence over the task settings. • Bug fix: Sorting the main window detail view list via the command line (or scheduling interface) would result in incorrect sort if columns had been repositioned by user.

• Bug fix: Some wildcard string matching operations were not properly supporting unicode file names. • Bug fix: Minor help file content corrections and updates. Version 6.1.68 (Released October 12, 2012) • Bug fix: Resolved a regression in v6.1.66 that could cause some file system scans to fail with a 'parameter is incorrect' error message. Version 6.1.66 (Released October 12, 2012) • Feature: Added option that allows FolderSizes to be run without backup/restore privileges. • Feature: The Path Manager window now supports the selection of Windows 7 library entries when adding directories. When a library is selected, the Path Manager will enumerate (and add) the folders it contains.

• Bug fix: Command line / scheduler interfaces were not switching to the appropriate graph type (e.g. Not honoring the 'graphtype' command line parameter). • Bug fix: Fixed bug in the common root computation algorithm used by the Scan Data docking panel.

• Bug fix: Resolved bugs that could occur when analyzing mutiple paths that are inclusive of one another. • Bug fix: Resolved minor (cosmetic) problem with main window navigation bar icon transparency. • Bug fix: Main window (folder report) printed page headers were not rendering as intended. • Bug fix: Resolved typo in welcome wizard text.

Version 6.1.61 (Released August 7, 2012) • Bug fix: Resolved potential crash when closing File Report Generator window. Version 6.1.60 (Released August 5, 2012) • Feature: Added formal support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

• Feature: Added a Newest Files report to FolderSizes, complete with command line and scheduler interface support, as well as all other features common to File Reports (printing, export, etc.). • Feature: Added a new 'Folders (Immediate)' column to main window folder detail view. This new column provides a count of immediate child folders only (as opposed to a total recursive count, which is what the existing 'Folders' column provides). This column is hidden by default. • Feature: Added 'absolute change' column to trend analyzer detail views (including primary and 'top subfolder growth' detail views). • Feature: Trend analyzer now normalizes file system node data distribution across all imported files, making analysis results more intuitive. • Feature: Minor performance and resource consumption improvements in trend analyzer.

• Feature: Trend analyzer now shows '---' for change percentages where the starting value is zero. • Feature: Added a setting to the Scanning section of the Options window that allows users to enable special 'allocated size' computations for offline files.

• Feature: Largest, temporary, and duplicate file report detail view now provide a means of showing created and/or accessed date (in addition to existing modified date). The new columns are hidden by default (right-click column header to enable them). • Feature: Oldest files report detail view now makes modified, created, and accessed columns available for display (right-click column header to enable them). There's also a new option that will keep the visible date/time columns in sync with the currently selected comparison attribute.

• Feature: Added text to the update checker (and automatic update check notification) to clarify the product upgrade policy. • Feature: Improved folder map string drawing tolerances, resulting in improved overall data availability. • Feature: The FolderSizes 'computer' view now shows volume labels (as maintained by the Windows shell), rather than volume names. • Feature: Tooltips on Largest Files report banding graph now use a re-show delay, making them less intrusive.

• Bug fix: Fixed (somewhat rare) crash that could occur in trend analyzer window just after completion of data import. • Bug fix: Fixed minor text coloring defect in trend analyzer detail listing. • Bug fix: Resolved minor memory leak in trend analyzer. • Bug fix: Fixed layout issue with 'computer' view where drive labels exceeded expected length.

• Bug fix: Resolved rare crash related to drawing of an invalid shell icon image. • Bug fix: FolderSizes could fail to import data from XML export files exceeding 2GB in size. • Important: The syntax of folder report XML data has been revised slightly for increased brevity, reducing overall file sizes and increasing performance. This release can, however, still read XML files generated with older versions. Version 6.0.47 (Released June 27, 2012) • Feature: Minor (primarily cosmetic) improvements to PDF exports.

• Feature: Mapped the backspace key to the 'previous path' command in main window (Alt + Left Arrrow is also still supported). • Feature: Added keyboard shortcut (Alt + D) for accessing the main window location bar. This shortcut works within the File Report Generator window as well.

• Feature: Added support for navigating between file report types via keyboard (use Alt key + underlined letter in the report navigation panel). • Feature: Modified main window ribbon bar tab shortcuts to ensure that only a single letter keystroke combination is required to access them. • Feature: Various help file clarifications and additions. • Bug fix: Exporting a duplicate file report in PDF file format could result in a crash.

• Bug fix: Main window detail information panel was not updated properly when switching current view depth (or toggling visibility of files). • Bug fix: Resolved occurrence of 'the parameter is incorrect' error when drilling down into file report detail views. The error would appear only if generating the file report from a drive letter without a trailing backslash. • Bug fix: Removed the expression 'temp*' from the default temporary file report match string to reduce probability of false positives. • Bug fix: Corrected control tab orders on a handful of application dialogs. • Bug fix: Resolved a handful of installer-related issues. Version 6.0.44 (Released June 1, 2012) • Bug fix: Resolved crash that could occur (in specific scenarios) after deleting a file system object from within FolderSizes.

Version 6.0.43 (Released May 31, 2012) • Feature: New Trend Analyzer feature allows users to import multiple scan data XML files to create historical views of disk and folder changes. • Feature: Added a new, fully customizable File Type Groups file report. Users can now generate file classification reports with named file type groupings (such as 'Image files') that contain one or more file extensions (e.g.

'.gif', '.jpg', etc.). There are both detail (with drill-down support) and graph views. • Feature: Command line and scheduling interfaces have been extended to support the new File Type Groups report (detail and graph). See help for details. • Feature: Added PDF report export capability throughout FolderSizes. PDF export is supported for all report types (e.g.

Normal, search, file, etc.). • Feature: Added command line and scheduler support for PDF export format. All scheduler dialogs have been updated with PDF export options. • Feature: When exporting main window reports as HTML or PDF, the currently selected graph type is used when creating the export file image. • Feature: Added support for sorting reports via the command line and scheduling interfaces.

See help file for details. • Feature: New ribbon customization support now included in the program options window. • Feature: FolderSizes now offers a hard link tracking option that causes hard links to affect the computation of allocated file system object sizes (see Scanning section of Options window). • Feature: Added a new 'drivespace' command line parameter, which can be used to export drive-level information (see help for details) independently of (or in combination with) other report exports. • Feature: The overall design of the File Report Generator window has been significantly improved. It now provides collapsible navigation groups and makes better use of available screen real estate. • Feature: The FolderSizes Search window now uses a splitter control to separate the search input (paths and rules) from the results list.

• Feature: Users can now customize the message (subject and body) sent during email report delivery. • Feature: User-editable template files have been relocated to the user's application data folder. • Feature: Added hyperlinks to the Export section of the Options page for editing CSS and XSLT templates used by FolderSizes. • Feature: When exporting the 'file dates' and 'oldest files' reports as HTML, the report now specifies which date type was used for classification. • Feature: Main window detail view now supports smooth scrolling, and also now aligns column headers according to overall column alignment.

• Feature: Folder-level scan filter rules are now evaluated for root paths during file report generation. This allows for additional filtering scenarios, such as constraining file report analysis to a single root path, etc. • Feature: The path manager window now provides checkboxes that can be used to select from available paths without removing them from the listing. Checkbox state is also now saved and loaded (via respective toolbar buttons).

• Feature: The main window and File Report window path entry boxes now support dynamic expansion of server shares. Entering a server in UNC format (e.g.

' server') will trigger the enumeration of its shares. When running in interactive mode, the user will be prompted to select from the among the enumerated shares. • Feature: The 'Add' function of the path manager window has been extended to support browsing for directories, enumerating server shares, and adding local disk resources (fixed, network, removable, etc.). • Feature: Added support for loading program options file via the task scheduler. This works just like the 'loadoptions' command line parameter (see help file). • Feature: When scheduling file system analysis tasks, the scheduling parameters set by the user are now fully validated before the task is saved.

• Feature: A 'set to present' button was added to the scheduling tab of the task editor (in relation to the task start date and time). • Feature: Added severity level filtering to error display window. • Feature: The task scheduler has been improved to make adding and editing file reports more intuitive.

• Feature: File report export toolbar button now shows a drop-down menu with available export formats for the selected report. • Feature: The scan data window 'find deepest folder' function now uses the currently selected tree node as the starting point (rather than always using the root node). • Feature: Total file size panel in search window now also shows allocated size (e.g. Size on disk).

• Feature: The file attributes, file sizes, file dates, and file names report detail views now include a percentage column. • Feature: Added right-click context menu to classification file report detail views, providing another means of locating specific file instances (works same as double-clicking).

• Feature: The master and detail lists of the Duplicate File report are now separated by a resizable splitter control, allowing users to adjust the relative list sizes. • Feature: The columns of the docking drive space panel list control are now customizable (right-click the list control header). New columns have also been added, including a visual indicator of disk used percentage. • Feature: Added drop-down menus to several main window docking panels (drive space panel, graph panels, etc.) that expose a range of related commands. • Feature: Folder browser tree nodes are now colorized according to colors set in Options Detail View. • Feature: XML import speed and efficiency was improved significantly. • Feature: Achieved significant memory savings in many common file search scenarios (up to 40% in some cases).

• Feature: New, unified 32/64 bit installer automatically installs the correct x86/x64 executables for the user's environment. • Feature: Total (overall) average file size was added to summary section of XML, PDF, and HTML export file formats. • Feature: Added the option to suppress the linkage of XSLT files to XML exports from the command line and scheduled task interfaces. • Feature: For improved consistency, the File Types report graph has been converted to a bar graph. • Bug fix: Resolved problem with data type conversions in specific file size display scenarios. • Bug fix: Minor correction in HTML export (placement of total files scanned was off slightly).

• Bug fix: Exporting the main window graph image directly to clipboard or file could result in the wrong graph type being saved (in rare circumstances). • Bug fix: Template files were being incorrectedly flagged as read-only during product installation. • Bug fix: In some cases, errors that occurred during report export were not being properly reported. • Bug fix: Corrected case where long paths in duplicate files report HTML export were not being wrapped. • Bug fix: XML export of file reports failed to produce a successfull export notification. • Bug fix: Resolved problem with scan data panel not updating parent nodes that were scrolled out of view (in specific cases). • Bug fix: Attribute file report detail view drill-down was not building correct file search parameters.

• Bug fix: Parsing of 'filereport' command line parameter argument is no longer case sensitive. • Bug fix: Resolved problem with two specific export options not being restored properly after application restart. • Bug fix: File types report graph was not honoring the 'show allocated size in graphs' option. • Bug fix: File owners report graph labels showed percentage value twice (corrected to show actual value along with percentage). Version 5.6.52 (Released November 7, 2011) • Bug fix: Resolved problem that could cause FolderSizes to become unresponsive in very specific circumstances.

Version 5.6.51 (Released November 3, 2011) • Bug fix: Resolved rare crash that could occur when ribbon bar not present during shutdown. • Bug fix: Resolved problem with email attachment of search results when using the 'date' command line switch (or its corresponding checkbox in the task scheduler).

• Bug fix: Resolved rare Winsock heap corruption problem that could occur on x64 platforms. • Bug fix: Resolved unhandled exception during construction of date/time objects related to scan filtering. • Bug fix: Date/time selection controls now enforce minimum and maximum date/time entry. Version 5.6.46 (Released August 30, 2011) • Bug fix: Resolved problem with update checking causing a crash in rare circumstances.

• Bug fix: Resolved rare issue with enumerating invalid folder name in shell namespace. • Bug fix: Resolved rarely encountered bug in analysis event log output using incorrect format string, resulting in a crash. Version 5.6.44 (Released August 30, 2011) • Feature: New threading subsystem for File Reports improves file report generation performance significantly when reporting against multiple paths (network paths benefit the most). • Feature: Achieved a near 40% reduction in memory usage in many common file report generation scenarios. • Feature: Performance of duplicate file report CSV export has been significantly improved. • Feature: The temp path filename used when zipping email attachments is now time-stamped to improve concurrency potential.

• Feature: XML load and compare functions now show true file read progress (rather than using an indeterminate marquee progress indicator). • Feature: Personal edition licenses are no longer contrained from analyzing network storage paths with FolderSizes (feature limitation has been removed). • Feature: FolderSizes now exposes several file system analysis 'tasks' to the Windows 7 taskbar.

• Feature: The user interface now allows users to execute File Reports and Searches while a main window analysis is in progress. • Feature: Added the ability to save program options to (and later re-load from) file. • Feature: Added a new 'loadoptions' command line argument that can be used to re-load previously saved program options during command line execution. See help for details.

• Bug fix: Duplicate file report export was not honoring 'include column headers' and 'merge CSS into HTML' configuration options. • Bug fix: FolderMap option for highlighting rectangles as the mouse moved over them was not working. • Bug fix: Minor fix to command line argument spacing generated by task scheduler (did not affect command line parsing). • Bug fix: Certain scan data window icons were incorrect for specific file system node states. • Bug fix: Improved error handling in rare cases where XML import thread initialization fails. • Bug fix: Enabling the early file owner data binding option would negatively (and improperly) affect scan data import functionality. • Bug fix: Resolved rare crash that could occur when a command line job contained only invalid paths (and then attempted to export the results).

• Bug fix: Triggering a command line export against an invalid path will no longer result in an empty file. Version 5.5.40 (Released August 9, 2011) • Feature: Search tool now uses much more advanced threading logic. When searching multiple paths, a separate thread will be used for each logical (root) device.

This new behavior can improve the performance of multi-path searches dramatically. • Feature: Performance of search tool has been improved (very) significantly by deferring file owner and type resolution until absolutely required. • Feature: Added a tool that can highlight folder map tiles based upon user-specified criteria. The highlight color can be selected by the user.

• Feature: Added a range of folder map highlight presets. These can highlight folder map entries by modification date, file system attributes, and more. • Feature: Added the ability to save/load folder map highlight definitions to/from file. • Feature: Added a switch that determines whether or not folders are included in calculated date/time computations. • Feature: Added a new Graph ribbon bar tab, designed to provide direct access to several key graph-related functions.

• Feature: Added a new 'map mode' selector to the ribbon bar graph tab - you can now visualize the file system hierarchy by object size, file count, or folder count. • Feature: Added Save and Copy commands to the new Graph ribbon bar tab, both of which affect the currently selected graph view(s).

• Feature: Added validation step to use of email integration from scheduler. It now checks to ensure that SMTP configuration is valid before saving the scheduled task. • Feature: Improved error reporting when sending reports via email.

Certain errors, such as the inability to attach report files, are now reported in the email message body. • Feature: Added the ability to include the current scan path in file report chart titles. • Feature: Added validation to scheduler to ensure that file report output paths resolve to a file name (with extension). • Feature: Improved performance of temporary file classification string matching subsystem. • Feature: The file owner data cache has been improved. It is now faster, more memory-efficient, and has a smarter cache entry eviction policy.

• Feature: Added two new letters to details list attribute columns ('I' = 'Not indexed' and 'P' = 'Sparse file'). • Feature: Numerical columns in the main window detail view are now right-aligned by default, making certain visual comparisons a bit easier. • Feature: Improved folder map rendering performance and memory efficiency. • Feature: Added new button (upper right of main window frame) for minimizing / expanding the ribbon bar. • Feature: Attribute matching (available in scan filtering, search rule, etc.) has undergone the following improvements: • A new explicit 'off' switch has been added, improving consistency and performance.

• The 'match all' operating mode has been renamed to 'match only' to better convey its purpose (matching exactly specified attributes). • A new 'match all' operating mode has been added, which matches (at least) all specified attributes. • Attribute matching is now off (and no attribute checkboxes are checked) by default.

• Feature: Added an option to suppress main window detail and graph view tooltips while file system analysis is in progress (enabled by default). • Feature: Windows shell icon now shown in main window file (detail view, chart, etc.) file system data tooltips. • Feature: Node indention on the folder browser tree has been reduced to provide more navigation space.

• Feature: Extended the main window 'previous' and 'next' path history navigation commands with drop-down menus that can be used to access any entry in the path history. • Feature: Several folder map visualization enhancements, including use of real Windows shell icons, dynamic icon orientation and sizing, and automatic title adaptation according to the user's preferred mapping mode. • Feature: Added 'check all' and 'uncheck all' convenience functions to search paths list box. • Feature: You can now search for (and filter against) file system objects with inaccessible security descriptors by specifying the 'unknown' keyword as the file owner.

• Feature: Renamed 'Extension Researcher' function to 'Extension Database' and provided more direct access to the database browser through the main window ribbon bar. • Feature: When FolderSizes encounters a file system security identifier that is not mapped to an account name, it will now convert the SID to a string (e.g. It will present something like 'S-1-5-94148-1001 ' rather than displaying 'unknown').

Note that 'unknown' will still be presented if the security descriptor itself is inacessible. • Feature: Added new 'Relative Age' column to main window results report detail view.

Relative age is expressed in bar graph form, and is computed based upon the last modification date relative to its siblings (objects within the same parent folder). • Bug fix: Removed non-functional Apply button from program options window. • Bug fix: Path toolbar 'go' button was not working as expected. • Bug fix: Main window detail view info panel column widths not computed correctly for multiple selections. • Bug fix: Resolved rare divide-by-zero exception in folder map rendering when used with folder report comparison.

Version 5.1.26 (Released June 16, 2011) • Bug fix: Resolved potential incompatibility with Windows 7 Service Pack 1, experienced by a small subset of users. Version 5.1.16 (Released June 10, 2011) • Feature: Introduced color (palette) selection mechanism for charts. See the Theme button in upper right corner of main window. • Feature: Minor theme tweaks. Version 5.1.16 (Released June 10, 2011) • Feature: Added command line (and scheduler) support for sending reports via email (e.g. See help file for details. • Feature: Added the ability to export the scan data explorer window contents as a hierarchical HTML tree.

• Feature: Path navigation buttons residing in the Home tab of the ribbon bar have been moved down to the path toolbar to better reflect the relationship between these functions. • Feature: A new ribbon bar group has been created for operating system functions exposed through FolderSizes. • Feature: In various instances, the opening of exported file contents is now managed through a user prompt (which also confirms export success). • Feature: Improved export toolbar button in search window now shows menu options for each export format. • Feature: Updated color palettes for all graph views and improved rendering quality.

• Feature: Updated application ribbon bar layout and themes. • Bug fix: Use of the path-specific refresh button when viewing the 'My Computer' report now refreshes the view correctly. • Bug fix: Fixed crash that occurred when using the Help Home Page ribbon bar button. • Bug fix: Resolved issue with welcome wizard not updating 'my computer' view during theme changes. • Bug fix: The export progress indicator was incorrectly referring to all exports as being 'XML report exports' (cosmetic only). • Bug fix: Resolved a potential crash that could occur when using FolderSizes from the command line or scheduler.

• Bug fix: Main window graph image export operations were not enabled when the 'My Computer' view was visible. • Bug fix: Resolved rare hang that could occur with invalid configuration of range values for the file dates report. • Change: Support the 'noshowreport' command line switch has been removed. Exported files are now never shown when initiated from the command line (or scheduled task). Version 5.0.84 (Released May 11, 2011) • Feature: Improved default behavior (and error logging) in instances where FolderSizes cannot load scan filter files. • Feature: Improved XML import performance. • Feature: Update check HTTP proxy authentication password is now stored in encrypted format.

• Feature: Added additional sanity checking / confirmation support to scan filter editor dialog. Also improved coverage of help file on this topic. • Bug fix: Fixed lack of informative error reporting when update check proxy traversal failed. • Bug fix: Ribbon bar customizations were not being retained between sessions. • Bug fix: The support and feedback hyperlinks on the 'Send Feedback' dialog were reversed. • Bug fix: The task scheduler would not properly retain the subfolder display depth when set to '0'.

• Bug fix: In specific circumstances, use of the Shift + Delete key combination in a detail report view would result in an incorrect confirmation dialog. • Bug fix: Resolved rare crash that could occur when switching from 'my computer' view to active detail report view. Version 5.0.73 (Released January 20, 2011) • Feature: Added a help link to the file system event log display window to assist users in interpreting common events. • Feature: Added an option indicating whether or not the folder browser panel should rebuild itself in response to storage device change notifications broadcast by the Windows operating system. • Feature: Added experimental support for low-priority I/O on Windows Vista and later. This option can be enabled on the Advanced pane of the Options window, and causes disk I/O generated by file system analysis and search threads to be scheduled at a low priority. This helps to reduce I/O contention at the expense of performance.

• Feature: Added several new how-to topics to the FolderSizes help file. • Feature: Added the ability to Run a scheduled task directly from the Task Scheduler window. • Bug fix: Resolved issues with scan filtering that could produce unintuitive results for top-level file system objects in specific circumstances. • Bug fix: Sorting on the file types detail view file report was not being retained between analyses. • Bug fix: Resolved memory leak in largest / oldest file reports, occurring only in specific circumstances involving sequential scans. • Bug fix: Resolved potential delay in closing FolderSizes main window during a file system analysis.

• Bug fix: Resolved linebreak format defect in HTML report exports. Version 5.0.67 (Released October 14, 2010)14, 2010) • Feature: Duplicate file report now generates HTML and CSV exports with group-level sorting that matches the on-screen report. • Feature: Duplicate file report CSV export now includes group size metrics. • Bug fix: Fixed potential tooltip crash in graph view.

• Bug fix: Fixed obscure potential crash condition during XML data import. • Bug fix: Update check popup notification window has been re-engineered to support high DPI display modes. • Bug fix: Resolved problem in the 32-bit product installer that would require license details to be re-entered after upgrading.

Version 5.0.64 (Released October 7, 2010) • Feature: FolderSizes now provides support for Windows high DPI display settings. • Feature: The main window detail view now restores cursor selection when using the back button.

• Feature: The FolderSizes right-click context menu now exposes an 'Explorer Operation' submenu for single-item selections. • Feature: Improved main window detail view support for keyboard navigation (enter key opens select file system object, improved arrow key navigation, keyboard shortcut letter access). • Feature: Significant improvement (decrease) in product installer package sizes. • Bug fix: Resolved potential crash related to item selection in the main window detail view.

The crash could occur when refreshing the detail view after altering its contents. • Bug fix: On Windows XP, the primary detail view could show the wrong shell icon for root drive paths. • Bug fix: Resolved a crash that occured when comparing duplicate file system results. • Bug fix: Resolved a potential crash related to initiating a scan from the 'my computer' view.

• Bug fix: Resolved a crash that could occur while exporting main window report data in HTML format. • Bug fix: Resolved potential failure when editing very long search paths on Windows XP. • Bug fix: Resolved issue with file ownership preference switches not working correctly for the oldest, largest, and duplicate file reports. Version 5.0.57 (Released September 14, 2010) • Feature: FolderSizes 5 now offers to upgrade scheduled tasks generated by previous product releases. This check is performed when the Task Scheduler tool is launched. • Feature: Improved crash handling system now reports errors over HTTP, rather than trying to launch the user's email client. • Feature: Added a path set history drop down arrow to the Load toolbar button of the multiple path manager window.

This drop down arrow allows users to load one of several recently used path set files (without having to browse for them). • Feature: Improved overall file report generation performance / memory consumption, and added file counter to analysis progress window. • Feature: Added support for entry of product licenses via the command line through use of a '/licensecode' switch. • Bug fix: Sorting search results by file system object name was not working properly. • Bug fix: Resolved analysis concurrency issues that could occur in several obscure circumstances.

• Bug fix: Analysis progress indicators were getting reset during File Report generation in rare multi-path scenarios. • Bug fix: Scheduled task title strings now reference the current version of FolderSizes. Version 5.0.53 (Released August 27, 2010)2010) • Feature: Added ribbon bar customization support.

• Feature: Added support for using the fourth and fifth mouse buttons to navigate back / forward through scan path history. • Feature: Scan filter / search rule editor now specifies the rule type (e.g. File or folder) in the window title. • Feature: Added HTML export option allowing primary report graph image to appear above detail listing (default is below). • Feature: Added multiple selection and deletion capability to search paths area. • Bug fix: FilterZip would erroneously report user cancellation as an error and not remove the target zip file. • Bug fix: Resolved problem with crash reports being stored in wrong file system location.

• Bug fix: Resolved an issue with directory rule comparisons during searches. Version 5.0.51 (Released August 9, 2010) • Feature: Native 64-bit support (in addition to the existing 32-bit support) dramatically increases the scalability of FolderSizes within enterprise environments. Note that running the 64-bit version of FolderSizes requires a 64-bit processor and Windows operating system. • Feature: Overall performance has been greatly enhanced. Core analytical and thread models have been re-engineered for improved performance. • Feature: A completely overhauled in-memory database model provides superior tracking of all file system objects that have been analyzed.

• Feature: It is now possible to re-load file system analysis data that was previously saved in XML format. • Feature: FolderSizes now has the ability to compare current file system analysis data with existing data (loaded from a previously saved XML scan file). • Feature: A new scan data explorer docking panel is available, providing a powerful new way to navigate (and act upon) the data that FolderSizes stores about the file system nodes it analyzes. With this new feature, it is now possible to view multiple file system root paths from the perspective of a single virtual root.

• Feature: Excluded folders have been merged into the scan filtering user interface, and now are saved and loaded along with other scan filter criteria. Folder exclusions now also use an improved wildcard pattern matching engine, and can optionally be case sensitive. • Feature: A new report summary area has been introduced, providing detailed insight into any file system object(s) selected in the detail report. When multiple objects are selected, a summary of their totals and date ranges is displayed in the docking properties window. • Feature: The main analysis window now supports the entry of multiple paths, which will be scanned in succession. Users can enter multiple paths directly into the path input box (separating each of them with a pipe symbol) or use the multiple path manager window to browse for multiple paths individually. FolderSizes will detect when multiple paths are being analyzed, and will automatically bring the new scan data explorer docking pane into view in such cases, allowing the user to see (and navigate) the entire hierarchy of paths being analyzed.

• Feature: Main window toolbar has been replaced with new ribbon-style tabbed command bar. This new command interface exposes richer controls, provides better organization (including smart resizing), and improves accessibility. All other window toolbars (e.g. Search, file reports, etc.) have also been updated.

• Feature: All window status bars have been re-designed with new, more informative and consistent indicator areas and intelligent use of available screen space. • Feature: The folder browser docking panel now supports keyboard navigation, and behaves more like Windows Explorer in various situations (selection state when closing an expanded node, etc.). • Feature: All file system node tooltips have been overhauled to show more information in an improved format, and are also now more pervasive and consistent. • Feature: A rich, new graphical view now appears when 'My Computer' is selected within the Folder Browser panel. It also provides a simple mechanism for initiating the scan of multiple drives.

Printing support has also been added. • Feature: Drive space data (as utilized by the Drive Space docking panel and 'My Computer' views) is now collected on a separate thread, eliminating potential slowdowns in some circumstances and improving consistency amongst various views. • Feature: The main FolderSizes detail report view has been completely overhauled. Enhancements include: • Vastly improved printing and print previewing. • A powerful new file / folder properties area that shows data about current selection(s). • Improved application theme support.

• A new column chooser mechanism, making detail view column management easier and more flexible. • Support for column alignment customization. • Improved column sizing for better use of available screen real estate.

• Many other enhancements. • Feature: Bar graph drawing tolerances have been sharpened, with improved use of space overall. Horizontal label areas now resize themselves dynamically. • Feature: The main window bar, pie, and map graphs are now contained within independent docking panels for increased flexibility and customization support.

• Feature: Error handling has been greatly improved across all file system analysis mechanisms, and error reporting has been enhanced significantly. There is now a common event log viewer with common access semantics and better usability (e.g. Sorting, etc.). • Feature: On Windows Vista and later, new-style file and folder browser dialogs are used to select folder paths in various locations throughout the application. • Feature: The map graph has been improved substantially, and now better supports visualizing blocks of space consumed by files (not just folders). Performance has also been improved significantly.

• Feature: The logic used to determine folder reparse point (symbolic link and junction) traversal safety has been greatly improved. Link targets are now fully resolved and compared against their parent folder path. • Feature: Scan filter system has been completely overhauled, and now provides the ability to specify multiple rules - each with their own match criteria. Scan filter rules can now also be specified for folders, with full include / exclude support and natural hierarchical result rendering. • Feature: The search facility also now uses rules-based criteria, similar to that used by scan filtering. The key difference is that search rules control what files and folders are returned as search results, whereas scan filtering controls what portions of the file system are analyzed.

• Feature: Scan filtering can now be applied to searches for additional control over the scope of file system enumeration during the search process. Search scan filters are saved as part of the current search job (which can be written to / loaded from file). This feature also allows FolderSizes to provide seamless drill-down from many File Reports when the user double-clicks a detail item. • Feature: It is now possible to choose which columns are shown in every File Report detail view (by right-clicking the list header). This, in turn, affects the output of File Report data export operations (only visible columns will be exported). • Feature: The product 'welcome wizard' has been overhauled to produce a richer, more useful introduction to FolderSizes. • Feature: There is now a switch (in graph section of options window) that causes all graphs to be rendered using allocated size (e.g.

'size on disk'). • Feature: A new command line switch, '/saveeventlog' can be used to save logged events to file. See help file for usage details. Note that if the '/date' command line option is used, the event log path will be appended with the current date and time. • Feature: The multiple path manager dialog window has been re-designed to be more usable, and enhanced with additional features such as the ability to save and load path sets to / from file. • Feature: Enhanced task scheduling to include support for multiple scan paths, as well as saving logged events to file.

• Feature: Multiple enhancements to the FilterZip tool, including improvements in progress display window, retention of job state between uses, and a handful of bug fixes. • Feature: The default XSLT file that ships with FolderSizes has numerous improvements, including display of summary data and full disk space information. Overall formatting has also been improved. • Feature: All export file formats have been enhanced to improve consistency of data and formatting.

Export performance has also been improved, and is supplemented by a progress indicator for all export file types. • Feature: Deletion of file and folder objects from within FolderSizes has been greatly enhanced, with smart consolidation of target objects and improved Windows shell services integration. FolderSizes also now does a much better job of reflecting such changes throughout its file system hierarchy database. • Feature: Product options window has been re-organized and improved (resizable, scrolling panes, theme support, etc.) and supplemented with additional options. • Feature: Overall theme support has been improved, with better consistency and appearance throughout the application. • Feature: FolderSizes no longer forces adminstrative elevation on Windows Vista and later when the executing user has a linked security token.

On Windows Vista and later, a new 'Run as Admin' ribbon bar command button will be enabled if the executing user is not already running elevated. As an added convenience, a special application shortcut also provides elevated execution capability (again, Windows Vista and later only). • Feature: Rename via right-click context menu is now supported in all file reports and search results.

• Feature: Added 'calculated' modified, accessed, and created date / time fields to the main detail view. These columns report the most recent date / time in the folder hierarchy, rather than the actual date / time reported by the Windows file system. • Feature: Added the ability to find the deepest folder nesting from within the scan data explorer tree. • Feature: When scanning multiple root nodes from within the main application window, separate threads are used to perform the analysis. This can result in greatly improved performance, particularly when the paths relate to distinct logical I/O channels (e.g. Separate local drives, multiple network shares, etc.). • Feature: Added support for login and password to update checker proxy configuration.

The authentication method will be determined automatically. • Feature: Added the ability to search one or more target folders using FolderSizes via the detail view right-click context menu. • Feature: Added the ability to load rules only from within search window. This feature will extract search rules from the target search job (.xml) file, but leave existing paths and scan filter settings alone.

• Feature: Support for dragging and dropping of paths into FolderSizes has been greatly enhanced. Users can now drag and drop paths from Windows shell (and other apps) into the FolderSizes main window (anywhere), the file report generator window (anywhere), the search window (paths list box), or the multiple path manager window (anywhere). Support for multiple paths has also been added in all of these cases. • Bug fix: Now reporting aggregate search result size using 'size on disk', rather than just flat file size. • Bug fix: Altered bar graph drawing routines to eliminate potential for minor visual artifacts under certain circumstances. • Bug fix: The folder browser panel no longer attempts to enumerate the contents of.zip archive files, which cause app startup delays in some circumstances.

• Bug fix: Resolved issue with item selection in search / temp file detail listings when column sort changed. Version (Released February 22, 2010) • Feature: Options Detail View now provides a switch that controls whether or not date-based detail columns will include times. Switch is on by default. • Feature: Added a counter to status bar of the main window to show the number of files scanned.

• Feature: When a folder or drive shortcut (.lnk file) is dragged into the FolderSizes view window, the link will now be resolved (and the target folder will be analyzed). • Feature: Significant file system scanning performance improvements, particularly when scanning network volumes. • Bug fix: Scrollbars sizes did not always update immediately when adding columns to search / primary detail listings. • Bug fix: Leading and trailing spaces were not being properly trimmed from paths directly entered into the main window path box. • Bug fix: When using a preset date range within filter / search criteria, the times were not be adjusted to account for full days. • Bug fix: File dates report now normalizes min/max dates to encompass full days.

• Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the 'previous' path toolbar button not working in very specific circumstances. • Bug fix: In the file report generation progress display window, clicking the cancel button drop-down error and then clicking outside of the menu would still trigger cancellation.

Version (Released December 28, 2009)] • Feature: The search facility now provides file and folder count columns. These columns are hidden by default - enable them by right-clicking the search listing header and selecting them from the resulting pop-up list. • Feature: Broadened the range of preset date ranges available in search / filtering facilities, and changed the phrasing to be more specific. • Feature: All report generation processes now show indeterminate task bar progress animation on Windows 7. • Feature: The main report, file report, and search windows now have a status bar pane that shows the number of folders being actively excluded. • Feature: All status bar panes now resize themselves as needed, rather than adhering to a fixed width.

• Feature: Added the ability to cancel file report analysis and still show results (default is to cancel and discard results). • Feature: Enhanced and expanded existing visual themes. The 'modern' theme now offers blue, black, silver, aqua, scenic, and white color sets (the 'traditional' them remains unchanged). • Feature: Graph backgrounds now have the option (on by default) of matching the current visual application theme. • Bug fix: In specific circumstances, file report generation scheduled tasks would not start correctly. • Bug fix: If the Search Subfolders checkbox was disabled during a search, top-level folders would not be included in the search results.

• Bug fix: When using the search facility, application-wide folder excusions were being incorrectly shown in the search results. • Bug fix: In some cases, it was possible to modify scan filter settings while report generation was in progress (should not be possible). • Bug fix: Resolved a cache logic defect that could cause report metrics to be miscalculated under certain specific circumstances. • Bug fix: Improved robustness when encountering certain rare file system corruption scenarios.

• Other: Minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements. Version (Released September 29, 2009) • Feature: Several improvements to the 'modern' application theme.

• Feature: Underlying ZIP archive file libraries have been updated for improved efficiency, compatiblity. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with the excluded folder dialog allowing for the entry of paths already covered by existing entries. • Bug fix: Resolved a rare crash that could occur upon shutdown, related to the new background update checking implementation. • Other: Updated code signature with new security certificate. Version (Released July 7, 2009) • Feature: Added 'Lost key' button to the product registration dialog to better assist users who have misplaced their product license details. • Feature: Added an automatic update checking mechanism to FolderSizes, which is enabled by default (and can be disabled via the options window).

This feature will check for software updates in a background thread when FolderSizes starts, and will display a tray area notification when a newer version is available. • Feature: The map graph view is now drawn as the FolderSizes file system scan progresses. Previously, the map view did not render until scanning had completed entirely (in contrast to the other graph views, which rendered incrementally).

• Feature: The main window pie graph view now offers two means by which users can limit the number of slices it shows. The first mode is by percentage of the parent folder, and is the default. The second (newly added) mode allows users to show only the 'top N' largest pie slices. • Feature: Minor improvements to the product installer. • Bug fix: Personal edition licenses were incorrectly restricted from using the shell context menu (in some cases) to launch a new instance of FolderSizes. Version (Released June 5th, 2009) • Feature: Windows 7 is now fully supported. • Feature: FolderSizes now ships with a 64-bit version of its shell context menu for improved compatibility with 64-bit editions of Windows.

• Feature: Main window visualizations (pie, bar, and treemap graph views) can now show allocated disk space (a 'size on disk' computation that factors in cluster overhang, sparse file sizes, compressed file sizes, etc.) through the use of a new button in the graph pane toolbar. • Feature: Exporting reports in XML format is now vastly more scalable and memory efficient (the process now writes directly to disk, with minimal memory usage).

• Feature: Main window XML exports now include disk space information (similar to the information available within the docking drive space panel). • Feature: A new 'length' column has been added to the search window result list. This column is visible by default, and shows the length of the associated file or folder name.

When the 'count full path length' search option is engaged, the 'length' column will reflect the full file system path lengths. • Feature: Search results and all file report detail views can now be exported as XML (previously, only main window reports could be exported in XML format). • Feature: Updated the integrated scheduler to provide support for XML export when scheduling file report or search tasks. • Feature: The file system scan error reporting window can now be resized. • Feature: If the 'follow reparse points' option is engaged, FolderSizes will only follow links that point outside of the current scan directory.

This prevents certain folders from being counted more than once during file system scans, and will also prevent recursion loops. • Feature: Added an 'exclude folders from search results' switch to the FolderSizes search facility. This feature is switched on automatically when drilling down into certain file reports (which launches a search), improving consistency between these two systems. • Feature: Added 'allocated' detail view column to the following file reports: file type, attribute, size, name, duplicates, and date. • Feature: Added the ability to search (or filter) by allocated file system object size (e.g.

'size on disk'). • Feature: Minor adjustments to allocated disk space calculations for compressed files of small size. • Feature: Improvements to the bar graph drawing routines to sharpen the appearance of the bars. • Feature: The options controlling the number of entries shown in the largest and oldest file reports has been moved to their respective report windows (and out of the general file report options window) for more intuitive access and improved consistency. • Feature: The 'largest' and 'file sizes' reports can now optionally perform their comparisons by allocated file size (e.g.

'size on disk'). • Feature: Sorting speed for the following file report detail views has been greatly improved: oldest, largest, duplicate, and file type. • Bug fix: Keyboard shortcuts within the search and file report generation windows would stop working under certain circumstances. • Bug fix: Resolved an issue with bar graph widths not computing correctly in rare circumstances. • Bug fix: The banding graph of the largest files report would produce inaccurate results under very specific circumstances.

• Bug fix: The default number of entries in the largest and oldest file reports were inconsistent between the option display and the report generation process. Version (Released September 10th, 2008) • Bug fix: Resolved a floating point runtime error that could occur in certain environments. Version (Released August 19th, 2008) • Feature: Added a new 'folder map' graph view, based upon the TreeMap data visualization method. This new view provides an alternative to the existing bar and pie graph views, showing the complete subfolder hierarchy at a glance. • Feature: Made the new folder map graph type available for inclusion within HTML exports (in addition to the existing pie and bar graph types). It can be accessed during HTML report exports via use of the /graphtype:'map' command parameter.

• Feature: Improved error handling during generation of XML export file data. The default XSLT file has also been improved to better display XML data generation errors when they occur. • Feature: Added file owner to graph (bar, pie, and map views) tooltips. Also improved tooltip apperance timing when moving from one graph entry to another. • Feature: Added a new panel to the options window for the folder map.

The map start and end colors can now be configured, as well as a few additional options. • Feature: Added support for a new 'Personal Edition' license type, designed specifically for home users. See help file for description of this new license type, along with limitations. • Feature: Right-click context menu can now add multiple selected folders to the folder exclusion listing (previously, only one at a time was possible). • Feature: The folder browser panel shell tree now does a better job of staying in sync with the current file system analysis path, even in cases where that path are unknown to the folder browser. Unusual conditions (such as drilling into file system folders not visible to the shell, etc.) are now handled gracefully. • Feature: Substantial improvements were made to XML export capabilities, including significant performance enhancements as well as overall output size reduction.

Please note that the structure of the XML output has changed, so if you rely on external applications to analyze this data then you'll need to revisit those. Similarly, if you've customized the XSLT file that ships with FolderSizes, those customizations will need to be revised. • Bug fix: The pie graph view now honors the label font selection made in the graph options panel. • Bug fix: Fixed a rare crash that could occur under very specific report rendering conditions. • Bug fix: The Oldest Files detail report view date column would be blank when using 'date accessed' as the reference file system time stamp.

• Bug fix: XML file export 'depth' column was providing incorrect value. • Bug fix: The banding graph of the largest files report was not being updated when file objects were deleted from the detail listing. • Bug fix: Minor corrections to internal cache database logic. Version (Released June 30th, 2008) • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with command line execution of FolderSizes with a very specific form of parameterization. • Feature: Other minor cosmetic enhancements (new file open / save dialog support on Vista, etc.). Version (Released June 5th, 2008) • Various minor (mostly cosmetic) bug fixes.

Version (Released June 1st, 2008) • Bug fix: Resolved a problem where paths greater than 260 characters would cause a runtime error in some scenarios. • Bug fix: The 'research file extension' function of the FolderSizes file / folder context menu was not properly enabled in some circumstances. • Bug fix: The search facility would fail when attempting to show full folder paths exceeding 260 characters in length. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with the integrated Windows shell context menu not displaying all items properly in certain circumstances. • Feature: Improved handling of very long paths in several ways, including improved drill-down into long paths from the Folder Browser, handling of long paths in the main window Path entry field, and more. Version (Released May 26th, 2008) • Feature: FolderSizes now provides an integrated task scheduling facility.

This tool makes it much easier to schedule file system analysis operations through the FolderSizes command line interface by wrapping it with an intuitive graphical user interface and interoperating directly with the Windows scheduling system. • Feature: Added several new switches to the File Reports section of the options window.

These switches allow users to disable file owner lookup operations for the largest, oldest, and duplicate file reports individually. Doing so can increase the speed of file report generation operations considerably, especially when scanning remote (network) file systems.

• Feature: Improved the speed at which File Reports are shown upon completion of scanning operations. • Feature: Improved memory utilization for a variety of reporting scenarios.

This is particularly noticeable when performing larger-scale File Report analyses with the duplicate file report enabled. In many such cases, memory use has been reduced by roughly 60%. • Feature: Introduced a file owner lookup caching mechanism that can help speed the generation of certain types of reports (especially on subsequent reporting runs within the same session). By default, file ownership lookups will be cached for remote (network) paths only, with a maximum memory allocation of 2048 Kb. These values, as well as the enabling / disabling of the cache entirely, can be changed in the Scanning section of the options window. • Feature: Vastly increased the scalability of Duplicate File report export operations; export file generation now uses much less system memory. • Feature: Allocated file / folder size computations now better handle sparse files (which are often generated by HSM and archiving software solutions).

• Feature: Added 'allocated' file size columns to largest, oldest, and temporary report detail views. • Feature: The 'largest', 'oldest', and 'temporary' file reports - as well as the search facility result listing - now honor the folder and file attribute color defined in the 'detail view' section of the options window. • Feature: Switching visual application themes (via the View menu) no longer requires a re-start.

The option to use a 'traditional' visual theme (as opposed to the default 'modern' theme) is now also presented in the welcome wizard. • Feature: Added a 'filename only' match option to the duplicate file report generation window. The duplicate file report master / detail view was also modified to accommodate this change (e.g.

The file size column was moved from the master view to the detail view, since duplicates can now differ in size when using 'filename only' matching mode). • Feature: The duplicate report HTML output format was improved significantly; it's now much more readable, and makes better use of available space. It also produces smaller HTML files that open faster within a web browser. • Feature: Numerous other user interface enhancements, including improved (themed) button appearance, etc. • Feature: The license reminder dialog window will no longer appear when launching FolderSizes via the command line during the default evaluation period (unless the trial period has expired).

This allows for a more thorough evaluation of command line / scheduling features prior to licensing FolderSizes. • Feature: FolderSizes now maintains a more consistent and accurate internal analysis data cache.

Deletion of files and folders from within the main detail view no longer invalidates the entire cache (thereby forcing a re-scan of previously viewed file system nodes). Further, such removals are now immediately reflected in parent folders during navigation operations.

• Feature: The search window status bar now also shows cumulative search result file size (in addition to existing file count), and has a new (more performant) update mechanism. • Feature: The Filter Options tab of the scan filter window has been updated to better reflect the various filter criteria exposed through the remaining tabs.

• Bug fix: Tooltips were not showing properly for all bar graph items when the view was scrolled. • Bug fix: The 'space consumed' indicator of the duplicate file report was not being updated when duplicate files were deleted. • Bug fix: Resolved a minor visual glitch that would appear when un-pinning the folder browser window. • Bug fix: The right-click context menu for the Temporary Files Report was not working correctly. This has been resolved.

• Bug fix: In the search results list, it was not possible to right-click a file and 'Explore Folder'. This has been fixed. • Bug fix: It was not possible to navigate amongst FolderSizes search results by typing the first letters of a file name on the keyboard. This has been resolved.

• Bug fix: Resolved a numeric overrun that occurred when drilling down into the default '4GB+' file size report detail view entry. Version (Released April 9th, 2008) • Bug fix: Resolved a cosmetic issue with the folder browser and disk space docking panel titles. Version (Released March 15th, 2008) • Feature: Added a new view menu switch that allows users to change the 'visual theme' of the application to a more traditional (more Windows XP like) form. • Feature: Added a new 'exclusion mode' toggle to the date criteria section of the search window. This makes it easy to execute queries such as 'find all files NOT modified within the last 30 days', etc. • Feature: Added new 'depth' column to the main window detail listing. This new column shows the specific depth of the file system object it references.

This is particularly useful in combination with the 'View Subfolder Display Depth' options, and be used to isolate deeply nested paths. This new column is hidden by default; right-click on any detail view column header to toggle it on.

• Bug fix: If the graph view panel is 'collapsed' prior to exiting FolderSizes, this state is now restored the next time the program is started. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with the banding graph on the largest files report window not showing very large files correctly. • Bug fix: Fixed a problem where wildcard filename match expressions using spaces were not functioning correctly.

• Bug fix: The FolderSizes v4.5.0.1 was not digitally signed; this has been corrected. • Various minor fixes, help file clarifications, etc. Version (Released February 3rd, 2008) • Bug fix: Resolved regression discovered in the production release. Largest and oldest file classification reports would not return correct results in some circumstances. Version (Released February 1st, 2008) • Feature: FolderSizes is now Unicode enabled. Folders and files containing Unicode characters can now be scanned / displayed without error, and will also be carried over properly into report exports, etc. • Feature: It is now possible to execute FolderSizes search jobs from the command line, including full support for report exporting in multiple formats.

Please see the 'Using FolderSizes' section of the help file for details. • Feature: File system object names and paths are now sorted with an improved algorithm that yields more intuitive sort results (especially when file system object paths contain numeric components). Sorting has also benefited from several performance enhancements as well as improved Unicode character consideration. • Feature: Added 'last modified' column to 'temporary' and 'largest' file report detail views. • Feature: The search facility has greatly improved support for folders, which now carry their own size information. Folder sizes are now displayed on-screen in the search results, and are also used in search filter criteria comparisons. A 'directory' switch has been added to the attribute section of the search critieria, allowing for easy inclusion or exclusion of folders in search results.

Sorting has also been improved to isolate folders from files. • Feature: Considerable performance enhancements within several of the file report detail views (particularly noticeable when working with network paths). • Feature: Added 'folder count' and 'elapsed time' statistics to the file report scanning window display. • Feature: All 'browse for folder' dialogs now remember previous path selections in a more consistent manner (for performance reasons, UNC paths do not apply). • Feature: Numerous user interface improvements, including streamlined status bars, improved bar graph appearance, and more. • Feature: The file extension browser tool is now available from the tools menu of the main application window. This tool also now provides a resizable window and makes better use of available screen real estate.

• Feature: The main window pie graph view now provides robust tooltips when hovering over pie slices (similar to what the bar graph view already provides). Toolbar tooltips throughout the application have also been made more useful. • Feature: Data export files are now all written in UTF-8 format; including files in XML, HTML, CSV, and TXT formats. There is also a new checkbox in the Reports::Export section of the settings window that allows you to toggle on/off the inclusion of a BOM (byte order marker) for UTF-8 encoded text files (e.g. CSV and TXT formats). Please see the help file for usage details.

• Feature: Extended the search window status bar to separate a 'files found' counter into its own pane. • Feature: The File Name Masks section of the filtering and search facilities now provide more granular exclusionary capabilities when operating in wildcard mode. Individual mask segments can now be preceded by a tilde ('~') to make them exclusionary (see help for details). Important: This capability replaces the 'exclude (rather than include)' switch previously available from the File Name Masks section of the filtering and search windows.

Please be sure to update any existing scan filtering / search job definitions that use this switch. • Feature: Paths within the search facility can now be edited by double-clicking on them. These paths also now have tooltips. • Feature: Now if you right-click within the drive space docking panel list control header, the 'save to file' option is available. You can use this to output the contents of the drive space panel list to file in HTML, CSV, or TXT format. • Feature: In the attribute matching area of the search and filtering windows, a new switch allows for control over the matching mode employed. Setting this to 'match all' requires that a file match any selected attribute before being included in any results.

The 'match any' mode operates consistently with previous FolderSizes releases, and is the default. • Bug fix: Resolved a crash within the file reporting window that could occur when a scan was cancelled and previous results were being displayed.

• Bug fix: Resolved a problem in which the 'parent folder' column of the FolderSizes search results detail listing was not sorting in a manner consistent with normal user expectations. • Bug fix: The 'exclude pie graph labels' option (located in the 'graph pane' section of the options window) was not working properly.

This has been fixed. • Bug fix: Fixed a problem in which certain graph toolbar options were not properly enabled when scanning a folder consisting entirely of files (and no sub-folders).

• Bug fix: Resolved a cosmetic bug that caused certain tooltips to always be shown, even when they were disabled globally from within the options window. • Note: Support for Windows 98 and ME has been dropped. Version (Released December 4th, 2007) • Feature: File exports now provide more intuitive default names for exported files.

• Feature: By default, HTML report exports will now have CSS style settings merged directly into their page headers. This functionality can be controlled through a switch in the Export section of the options window. When the switch is disabled, FolderSizes will copy a CSS file separately and link to it from the HTML report page.

Either way, users are still free to alter the style settings contained within 'template/style.css' (located below the FolderSizes installation root folder) to alter the look and feel of HTML exports. • Feature: Users can now control (via a switch in the Exports section of the options window) whether or not the FolderSizes XSLT file is utilized by XML exports.

When used, the XSLT file is now copied from the 'xslt' subfolder of the FolderSizes installation root to the same path as the XML report file. These improvements provide more flexibility in how / where XML reports can be distributed. • Feature: The main window 'Up' navigation function (which navigates to the parent of the current folder path) now supports UNC paths. • Bug fix: Folder exclusion paths will fail to match properly if they contained a trailing backslash. Such backslashes are now automatically removed to help ensure expected behavior. • Bug fix: Folder exclusions were not always being properly applied to folder data that had been cached in previous scanning operations.

• Bug fix: Options window navigation tree was not being drawn correctly on some operating systems( v4.1.1.1 regression). • Bug fix: Resolved a screen re-painting problem that could occur within the file reporter window during certain control validation operations. • Several other minor enhancements and bug fixes Version (Released November 20th, 2007) • Bug fix: Resovled a problem with wildcard pattern matching not working as expected under some conditions.

Version (Released October 20th, 2007) • Feature: When FolderSizes (a 32-bit application) is run on a 64-bit computer (with a 64-bit Windows operating system installed), it will now disable WOW64 file system redirection during the file system scanning process. There is a new switch within the scanning area of the options window that allows you to turn this feature on or off (it is on by default). • Bug fix: Resolved a cosmetic defect that occurred when deleting items from the search results window.

In some cases, the detail list control would not be updated correctly. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with the backspace not being processed correctly within the path entry field in the main application window. Version (Released July 23rd, 2007) • Feature: Integrated a new File Extension Researcher tool, allowing users to gather additional information on file extensions that they encounter across various file systems (including potential application associations). The ability to research file types by extention has been integrated (through context menus, buttons, etc.) throughout the various FolderSizes detail views.

• Feature: Implemented a new File Extension Browser window, designed to supplement (and currently accessible from within) the File Extension Researcher tool described above. This window allows users to browse a database of known file extensions in an intuitive fashion (e.g. Extensions are grouped by their starting letter, numbers, and symbols). • Feature: The results detail listing within the search window is now fully customizable. Right-click the detail list column header and select the field names you wish to view (de-select the ones you wish to hide).

• Feature: Added two new columns to the search window detail list that show the date the file was created, and the date it was last accessed. Note that these columns are hidden by default (right-click the detail list header to customize columns shown).

• Feature: File owner column added to 'Largest Files' and 'Oldest Files' file reports. • Feature: Added file creation date column to main exploration detail view. This new column is hidden by default (to make it visible, right-click the detail view column header and select it from the popup menu).

• Feature: Within the search and filtering windows, the date range specification area now offers a handful of convenient presents (e.g. 'within last day', 'within last week', 'within last month', and 'within last year'). You can, of course, still elect to specify a custom date range if desired. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with the date range portion of the file search facility effectively preventing the 'to' and 'from' dates from being the same day. • Various minor improvements and corrections. Version (Released May 4th, 2007) • Bug fix: Resolved problem with spurious floppy drive seeks during certain user interface refresh operations.

Version (Released April 18th, 2007) • Feature: File Reports now support the use of multiple file system scan paths. A new 'multiple paths' button has been added to the main File Reports window for this purpose.

Multiple paths are also supported during command line operations (which have been greatly expanded - see below) and file report drill-down operations (which now carry multiple paths into the FolderSizes Search window). • Feature: Numerous improvements to the FolderSizes command line interface, including support for exporting the contents of File Reports, use of the '/exit' switch in combination with File Reports, application of scan filtering criteria, generation and export of multiple File Reports within a single command, a simplified syntax ('/xml', '/html', '/csv', and '/txt' switches were all replaced with a single '/export' switch), and more. See the 'Command Line Support' section of the product help file for more information. • Feature: The FolderSizes search and scan filtering facilities have been extended to support a new 'file name length' criteria. This makes it possible to quickly identify (and filter against) file system objects by the length of their names. It is possible to count the file name alone (the default), or the fully qualified path.

• Feature: The File Names report (part of the File Reports window) now supports drill-down. Double click a report entry in the detail view to automatically launch a search for file name lengths with the selected range. • Feature: Added a new 'fast shell icon collection mode' switch to the Detail View section of the options window. This switch forces FolderSizes to deduce file system object icons from the type of file (rather than opening the file).

This switch can provide a considerable performance boost when exploring remote file systems, and it is engaged by default. • Feature: Added a switch to the general settings (tools options settings) that allows the shell context menu to be enabled or disabled. • Feature: Numerous improvements to keyboard / shortcut handling.

Existing shortcuts have been simplified and clarified, and a couple (such as support for Ctrl+A to select all entries in file system object lists) new ones added. • Feature: Added a visual bar graph indicator to all '% of Parent' columns in various detail views throughout the application. • Feature: Added the ability to configure Windows System Restore via a new item in the Tools menu. Windows System Restore often has considerable impact on local disk space.

• Feature: Added a new 'attributes' column to the main exploration view list (hidden by default; right-click the column header to reveal it) and to the search results window (represented in XML data exports called 'AttribString'). • Feature: Added a new 'avg. File size' column to the main exploration view list (hidden by default). Included in the XML export in both numeric and string formats. • Feature: Added file owner column to duplicate file report detail view (as well as data exports). • Feature: FolderSizes now displays a 'landing page' when it starts up, designed to assist users in beginning a file system scan.

• Feature: Numerous changes to better support the Windows Vista operating system. For example, default per-user settings files are now stored in the user's 'application data' folder, and not in the product installation folder, various registry settings have been re-located, etc.

• Feature: Use of the '/date' command line parameter now appends the current time (along with the date) to the export filename in 'HHMMSS' format. • Feature: When exporting any FolderSizes detail report (including search results, file reports, etc.) to CSV format, a new 'Size in Bytes' column is now added automatically. This greatly facilitates analysis of export data within third-party applications such as MS Excel. • Feature: Improved the overall robustness of the file system scanning engine, including enhancements to reparse point (e.g. Junction, symbolic link) processing and error handling routines. • Feature: Numerous minor improvements to the FilterZip file compression tool, including improved file system scan error handling and user interface consistency changes.

• Feature: The 'My Computer' view (triggered when 'My Computer' is selected within the Folder Browser panel) can now be exported in CSV format, and is now fully sortable (by any column). • Feature: The bar graph view within the main application window has been improved to include file system icons (next to graph labels) for easier visual identification. The bars are also now drawn with an attractive gradient effect. • Feature: When selecting file system objects in the main window detail view, the number of objects and their aggregate size now appear within the first pane of the status bar. This feature is also provided in the FolderSizes search window.

• Feature: Scan filtering criteria can now be loaded from (or saved to) file, and can be applied during command line operations (see documentation for details). The filter criteria can also now be reset to their default values. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with internal file filter matching algorithms not correctly comparing file system object attributes in some cases. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with automatically opening HTML reports exported from certain File Report windows. • Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the toolbar Refresh button not always working consistently when dealing with UNC paths. • Bug fix: Resolved a rare path length related race condition in the Oldest Files report display processor. • Bug fix: Resolved a rare bug that would cause Oldest / Largest file report heap sizes not to initialize correctly between scans.

• Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the drive space panel graph view not always auto-refreshing. • Many miscellaneous cosmetic and usability enhancements, documentation updates, and minor bug fixes. Version (Released December 2nd, 2006) • Bug fix: Resolved a dynamic cluster size discovery defect introduced in v3.6.1.0. Version (Released November 30th, 2006) • Feature: Added the ability to count full path lengths in the File Names detail report. This makes it easier to determine when very long file paths might be interfering with disk access operations on your network, for example. • Feature: Cluster size recognition for local and remote file systems is now much improved.

An option has been added to the 'general' section of the settings window allowing for the specification of a default cluster size, to be used when the cluster size of a target file system path cannot be automatically deduced. • Feature: Added the ability to manage the file name mask presets available during search and scan filtering operations. Users now have the ability to edit any pre-defined filename search mask (e.g. 'images', 'movies', etc.) and may now also define up to two custom masks.

• Feature: The range-based File Reports (e.g. File Sizes, File Names, and File Dates reports) now honor overlapping range definitions. • Feature: Improved the scalability of HTML based report exports initiated from the main FolderSizes window (via File Export). • Bug fix: Resolved issue with commas being stripped from certain fields during CSV export.

• Bug fix: Resolved an issue with empty files assuming the consumption of a cluster on disk. • Assortment of minor bug fixes. Version (Release March 15th, 2006) • Minor bug fixes to new long folder and file name support. Version (Released March 3rd, 2006) • Feature: Better overall support for very long folder & file names on the Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 platforms. • Feature: Search facility now returns folder objects (in addition to files).

Note that a filename mask of '*.*' will cause the search results to contain only files (with extensions), whereas a filename mask of '*' will match both files and folders. • Feature: Added new right-click context menu to Drive Space Panel detail view. The detail view can now be printed and copied to the Windows clipboard. • Feature: The contents of the report that appears when 'My Computer' is selected in the folder browser pane can now be printed. • Feature: The folder exclusions facility is now more flexible. Exclusions can now be selectively applied to normal scan results, file reports, and / or search results. By default, folder exclusions apply to all three areas.

• Feature: Deleting objects larger than the recycle bin can accommodate will now prompt the user for confirmation. • Feature: Better overall usability in the Folder Exclusions window - previously browsed paths are now remembered, better path deletion behavior, and more. • Bug fix: Some settings in the File Name Masks tab of the scan / filter definition windows were not being saved (or therefore subsequently re-loaded) correctly. Version (Released September 4th, 2005) • Bug fix: The '/exit' command line parameter was broken in the v3.5.0.0 release, and has been repaired. • Feature: Minor usability tweaks to the search facility. Search results list now processes the delete key, browsing for new search paths now remembers last path, and more.

Version (Released August 20th, 2005) • Feature: FolderSizes now ships with an XSLT file that formats exported XML files for display in a browser that supports XSLT processing (e.g. Internet Explorer v5.5, Firefox v1.0, etc.). Keep in mind that large XML files may take a while to load and display in the browser.

• Feature: Added keyboard shortcuts to the FolderSizes Search and File Reporting facilities. Hovering over a toolbar button within one of these windows will reveal the button's shortcut key combination.

• Feature: Added search definition reset button to FolderSizes Search window. This function resets all search criteria, with the exception of search paths, to their defaults. • Feature: Added powerful regular expression support to scan filtering (file name masks) and search windows. • Feature: Added a 'case sensitive' matching option to the file name masks section of the search and scan filtering facilities. Works with both wildcard patterns and regular expressions. • Feature: The 'Duplicate Files' file report can now be exported as comma or tab separated values (in addition to the HTML export support that already existed). • Feature: Revised the product help file and transitioned it to HTML Help format, which provides better overall usability.

• Bug fix: The properties menu option within the FolderSizes context (right-click) menu was broken, and has been fixed. • Bug fix: Resolved directional bug in temp file report sorting. • Bug fix: Resolved detail view sorting issues with the range-oriented file reports (file sizes, file names, and file dates). • Bug fix: Resolved a case where FolderSizes could crash during shutdown if a file system scan was in progress. • Bug fix: The pie graph view would not re-draw correctly after a file report was generated. • Numerous minor improvements.

Version (Released July 10th, 2005) • Feature: Added ability to customize primary application command bars. • Feature: Implemented more dynamic dockable (and now also pinnable) panels for the 'folder browser' and 'drive space' windows.

• Feature: Added an 'Explore From Folder' option to list view context menu. Works similarly to 'Cmd Prompt From Folder' in that it will operate against the containing folder of files (or against folder paths directly). • Feature: Added a new option to list view context menu which copies paths to clipboard without a summary header. • Feature: Made several improvements to the formatting of XML export output. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with certain menu items not drawing correctly in Windows Media Center Edition. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with FolderSizes crashing when using the '/exit' command line argument under certain circumstances. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem with the main list view window not refreshing when deleting file system objects from UNC-based paths.

• Change: Removed Add/Remove programs from the primary application toolbar. This capability is still available from the Tools menu. • Numerous other minor enhancements and fixes. Version (Released April 7th, 2005) • Feature: Modified the context menu (right-click) 'cmd prompt here' function so that it will process file paths as well as folder paths. When it encounters a file path, it will simply open the containing folder. • Feature: Added a new '/noshowreport' command-line switch, which can suppress the showing of HTML report exports in the default web browser (even if this option is enabled within the options window). Usage example: Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /html:'d: temp myreport.html' /noshowreport /exit • Feature: Added additional pie graph view controls, accessible via the 'View->Graph Display Options' submenu.

Users can now flatten the pie graph (e.g. Remove the 3D effect) or force it to remain circular. It also now possible to zoom the pie graph in and out (using the same submenu commands, or via Ctrl+Alt+Z and Ctrl+Alt+U). • Feature: File report export operations now use direct-to-file buffering, which allows FolderSizes to export much larger file reports without taxing memory resources. • Feature: Added a new 'compare filenames only' to the filename masking section of the filter / search windows. Previously, the entire path would be compared against the filename mask(s), which was sometimes counter-intuitive.

This new option is engaged by default. • Feature: When using the right-click context menu to copy paths to the clipboard, file count and total size information is now pre-pended to the clipboard text.

This currently applies to the main report list view, search results, and the duplicate file report. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem that would prevent file icons from appearing in certain situations on Windows XP Media Center edition. • Bug fix: Resolved a crash that would occur if 'My Computer' was selected in the folder explorer pane while the options window was exited. Version (Released March 3rd, 2005) • Feature: Selecting 'My Computer' from the folder browser window pane now causes FolderSizes to show disk usage statistics for local, network, and other drive types. • Feature: Added 'total space consumed' indicator to the duplicate file report, which shows the total amount of disk space consumed by all duplicate files found during scanning operations.

This value is also now included in the HTML export for this report. • Feature: Increased the maximum number of entries allowed in the 'oldest files' and 'largest files' reports from 9,999 to 9,999,999. Changed default value from '50' to '100'.

• Feature: Added the ability to save file system scanning (e.g. Folder enumeration) error reports to disk. • Feature: Search window will now report any errors encountered during file system scanning, just as the file report generation and main application windows do currently. • Bug fix: Resolved a minor issue with the disk space docking panel graph tab not updating in a timely manner in some circumstances. Also added manual refresh capability to graph tab via right-click context menu. • A handful of other minor enhancements and cosmetic bug fixes.

Version (Released Jan. 1st, 2005) • Bug fix: Restored the toolbar tooltips that were broken with the v3.1 release. Version (Released Dec. 28th, 2004) • Bug fix: resolved a v3.0 release defect that broke compatibility with NT4. Version (Released Dec. 23rd, 2004) • Feature: The view setting 'Show Files' (previously named 'Show Files in Detail View') will now display files in the graph views.

Previously, both files and folders appeared in the detail view but only folders appeared in the graph views. This change provides a better overall spatial perspective, particularly when scanning a file system path that contains only files (and no sub-folders). • Feature: Modified the detail folder / file view sort algorithm so that it better emulates that used by Windows Explorer. The changes are somewhat subtle, and affect the placement of folders versus files when sorting by file system object name. • Feature: Files displayed in the main bar/pie graph views are now shown in gray to differentiate them from folders (which are shown in black).

• Feature: Numerous minor usability and cosmetic enhancements. • Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the sort icons in the search window list control not displaying correctly. Version (Released Nov. 8th, 2004) • Feature: Added new 'scan filtering' capability. Now, users can limit file system scan results using a number of criteria, including file name masks (multiple masks supported), date ranges (using modified, created, or last accessed time stamps), file sizes, attributes, and file owners (with wildcard support).

Further, scan filtering can be applied to normal scans (the ones displayed in the main user interface) or File Reports (or both). • Feature: Added a new 'File Sizes' file report.

This report allows you to define file size categories into which files are sorted during scanning operations. The File Sizes report is supplemented by a bar graph view, and is accessible via the command line as well as the FolderSizes shell context menu extension.

• Feature: Added a new 'File Names' file report, which sorts files into defined filename length categories. This is very useful for understanding file distribution by filename length.

The File Names report is supplemented by a bar graph view, and is accessible via the command line as well as the FolderSizes shell context menu extension. • Feature: Added a new 'File Dates' file report, providing users with the ability to define date categories into which files are sorted during scanning operations. The File Dates report is supplemented by a bar graph view, and is accessible via the command line as well as the FolderSizes shell context menu extension. • Feature: Added a powerful new search facility to FolderSizes.

This allows users to find files in multiple folders at once, using multiple file masks (e.g. Wildcard patterns) and a variety of other criteria (file size and date ranges, etc.). Search results can be printed or exported in several formats (HTML, CSV, etc.). Search jobs can also be saved and then loaded later for re-use.

• Feature: Many file report detail views now support search drill-down. Double-clicking a 'file attributes' detail report item, for example, will automatically find and display all related files. This also works for 'file types', 'file sizes', 'file dates', 'file owners', etc. Drill-down searches adapt themselves automatically when scan filtering is enabled (see above for more about scan filtering). • Feature: New report HTML export option allows the user to omit the folder listing. This is useful in cases where you want an HTML export to contain only drive information and a graph, for example.

• Feature: Added a status bar to the File Report generation window with several useful indicators. • Feature: Added an option to exclude labels from the pie graph view. • Feature: Added file system type (e.g. NTFS, FAT32, etc.) column to the drive space docking panel list view.

• Feature: Added a new command-line switch for setting the subfolder display depth (for the current scan only). The parameter is 'subdisplaydepth'.

Here's a usage example: Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d:' /subdisplaydepth:'3' /exit • Feature: Numerous minor improvements in overall usability, appearance, and performance. • Feature: Added a new 'Command Prompt Here' function to the 'tools' menu. This opens a command window directly to the folder currently displayed in the FolderSizes path drop-down box. • Feature: Added an option for limiting the number of bars included in bar graph exports. By default, the limiting option is enaged and set to 100, but it can be altered (or disabled) within the options window.

The setting applies when saving a bar graph directly to file, or when saving it as part of an HTML report. • Feature: File type pie graph display is now sorted by file size descending.

Also now provides a toggle for displaying or hiding the pie graph labels. • Bug fix: Resolved a defect that caused multiple-selections of folders and/or files in certain lists to fail. This would occur when the file system objects in question did not share a common parent folder, and is a result of a limitation in the Windows shell. The fix is a new context menu wrapper that provides its own, more robust, deletion capability (among other things).

• Bug fix: Resolved a problem where excluding the currently selected folder from a scan would cause an exception upon refresh. • Change: The 'last accessed' column in the main, upper-right detail list view is now hidden by default. You can, of course, always right-click the column headers and re-display this column.

Version (Released August 18th, 2004) • Feature: The drive space panel now has a new graph format. Rather than requiring the user to manually switch between drives using a drop-down box (resulting in the display of a pie graph), FolderSizes now shows all drives at once using a stacked horizontal bar graph. This greatly improves the 'at-a-glance' usefulness of the drive space panel graph. • Feature: Right-clicking the drive space panel graph now provides the ability to copy the graph to the cipboard, save it to file in a number of different image formats, or print it.

• Feature: Bottom graph axis labels now use more intelligent, user-friendly size displays (e.g. Adaptive sizing versus bytes only). • Bug fix: Repaired an issue with deleting a folder from the folder browser pane when the contents of that folder were on-screen. This defect was introduced in a very recent minor revision, and is now corrected. • Bug fix: Resolved a minor bug that caused column spacing in the main detail view to be save improperly when certain columns were hidden. • Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Version (Released July 26th, 2004) • Feature: The File Report Generator interface has been re-designed. The primary goal of the re-design was to allow for better navigation of the growing list of file reports (there are now ten of them!). The tabbed interface has been replaced by a treeview style navigation system. The enabling and disabling of specific File Reports has been moved to the main options window. • Feature: Added a pie graph view to the File Owners report, providing better visualization of disk space resources by file owner. Supports printing, exporting to multiple formats, etc.

Updated the shell context menu, help file, and command line support systems to reflect new report availability. • Feature: Added a detail view for the file attribute report (previously only a graph was available). Supports printing, exporting to multiple formats, etc. Updated the shell context menu, help file, and command line support systems to reflect new report availability. • Feature: Updated product documentation to reflect new and improved features and layout changes; also made general content improvements.

• Feature: All File Report detail views now retain their current sort column and order between program instantiations. Further, all detail lists in the entire program now show the sort order immediately (as soon as they are shown), rather than after a scan completes. • Feature: Added Explorer-like folder and file renaming capability to main detail view. • Feature(s): Numerous minor performance improvements, tweaks, and functional enhancements. • Bug fix: Resolved minor issue with product showing two expiration warnings when the end of the evaluation period was near. • Bug fix: Resolved a very rare (never reported) issue with FolderSizes crashing on the Windows 9x platform when the shell context menu was right-clicked twice from within the FolderSizes user interface.

• Bug fix: Resolved a fairly rare right-click bug fix that occurred on some non-English versions of Windows XP. Version (Released July 10th, 2004) • Feature: Added a 'File Owners' file report, which provides a breakdown of file usage (in the scan path) by owner / group. As with the other file reports, 'File Owners' can be accessed via the FolderSizes shell context menu extension, via command line, etc. The contents of the report can also be exported or printed. • Feature: Added support for HTTP proxy traversal to the FolderSizes update checker.

See the options window (under general->update checker) for specific configuration options. • Feature: Updated the product documentation to include all of the more recently added command-line options, newer option settings, etc. • Feature: Added the ability to hide / show columns in the detail list view (upper right). Simply right-click the detail list view column header to see a column selection pop-up menu. Note that exports of detail view information will use whatever columns are currently visible (hidden columns will not be exported). • Feature: The temporary file reporting system has undergone a signficant overhaul, and now uses wildcard-oriented match patterns. This allows for much more accurate temp file matching overall without losing any speed.

Note: when upgrading FolderSizes, any custom temp file match patterns will be overwritten with the new default wildard patterns. • Feature: Numerous additions the online product help file. • Feature: File or folder owners are now displayed with their containing domain, if applicable.

Note that some user account are pre-defined by the operating system; in these cases, the domain name will be 'BUILTIN'. • Bug fix: Resolved bug in 'size on disk' calculations when NTFS cluster size was not 4k (which it is by default). • Change: By default, the detail list view is now sorted by size (in descending order). Custom sort order and direction will, of course, still be retained and honored for existing installations. Version (Released Mid-May, '04) • Feature: Added an 'Allocated' column to the detail list view that shows the actual 'space on disk' consumed by a given file or folder.

Also added the new 'allocated' value to the report exports (including XML, which has a literal value in bytes and a string representation). Note that the 'allocated' column value could be smaller than the 'size' column value if compression has been applied to the file system object in question. • Feature: Added a new option to the graph option window that allows the pie graph to hide pie slices that constitute less than XX% of the scanned total. This is really useful for keeping the pie graph labels under control, especially when scanning folders with a lot of small sub-folders.

This now defaults to a value of '1%' - if you want to see every subfolder in the pie graph (as in previous versions), just change it to '0%'. • Feature: Pie graph slices now show percentage information during folder scans (previously, percentages didn't appear until the folder scan completed). • Feature: The Windows used for product registration have all be re-designed.

This includes the trial period reminder window, the registration key entry window, etc. The key entry window is now also accessible via the Help menu. • Feature: When a file system scan is completed, the status bar now shows the span of time the scan required (in HH:MM:SS format). This metric can be handy for scheduling scan jobs, etc. Note that this metric is affected by whether or not FolderSizes has scanned the folder recently (it caches scan data). • Feature: Labels on the 'File Types' report graph can now be moved manually after the report has been generated.

This allows you to tweak the label positions slightly prior to printing, for example. • Bug fix: Resolved a minor cosmetic issue with build that caused the about box to display an incorrect number of days remaining in the software's trial period (applied only to users still in their evaluation period). The evaluation window that displays during application start-up did show the correct number of days remaining.

• Bug fix: Resolved a minor defect that caused an incorrect number of 'folders scanned' to appear in the status pane when accessing the same folder more than once. • Bug fix: Some pop-up window styles were interfering with the ability to switch back to FolderSizes with Alt-Tab.

This has been resolved. • Bug fix: Quick key access has been restored to the detail list view and the 'temporary files' report. • Change: The default colors used to indicate 'hidden' and 'compressed' folders and files were swapped to more closely match the colors used by Windows explorer. Blue is now used to compressed folders and files, and red is used for hidden folders and files.

Of course, you can still change these to be whatever you like (any existing custom settings will remain in tact). Version (Released End of April, '04) • Feature:Added 'owner' field to the XML export. This field is available only on Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 platforms, and designates the owner (either a user or group) of the specified file or folder. • Feature: Increased the flexibility of the 'Oldest Files' report considerably by adding two new options: • The ability to indicate which file date/time stamp should be used for comparisons; you can now selected from 'date modified' (the detault), 'date created', or 'date accessed'. • The ability to include only files older than a specified time period (in years, months, or days) • Feature: The time required to export large-scale FolderSizes reports in XML format has been reduced substantially (by 50% or more in most cases).

• Feature: Added a new progress window that appears during XML exports. Very large reports may take a minute or two to export in XML format at full depth, and the progress window helps to convey the busy state of the system. Progress window is not shown during command-line based XML exports.

• Feature: Added new totals to the top of HTML report exports. Now includes total files scanned, total folders scanned, and total scan size. • Feature: Added a new option for controlling the depth of XML report exports. By default, the XML export depth is set to 0, which equates to full depth (all folders and subfolders are traversed). Set this value to 1, for example, to export only the top-level folders associated with the current file system scan point. • Feature: Changed the information contained in the headers and footers of main detail view printouts. These areas are now populated with the report path (title), total files (left footer), total scan size (center footer), and total folders (right footer).

This information is much more useful than what was provided previously. Note that you can *still* provide custom fields for these print areas (see 'printing' in the options window) if you wish. • Feature: Now when exporting file report details to HTML format, the scan path is indicated at the top of the page.

• Feature: The 'owner' column of the main detail view (available on Windows NT/2k/XP/2003) is now populated even when scanning remote systems (via a mapped drive or UNC path). Previously, this column was only populated when scanning local drives or folders. • Feature: Introduced comprehensive new application fault detection, capture, and reporting system. Program crashes are extremely rare with FolderSizes (even in beta builds), but this system allows for excellent post-mortem analysis when needed.

• Feature: Numerous performance improvements, particularly in the bar graph drawing code. • Feature: Added right-click shell context menu to the pie graph.

• Bug fix: Resolved a minor problem in which an invalid export type error appeared when the user cancelled out of a file report export process. • Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the main graph windows not retaining the total size of all scanned file system objects in some cases. • Bug fix: Resolved a fairly rare bug in which sorting by the 'owner' column (NT/2k/XP/2003) could cause an 'out of memory' error. • Bug fix: FilterZip will no longer create zero-length zip files when no filter criteria match. Also improved overall validation of job input parameters. • Other minor improvements, documentation updates, and bug fixes.

Version (Released Mid March, 2004) • Minor bug fixes and misc. Preparations (e.g. Modified splash screen version, etc.) for the official 2.2 release. Version (Limited Beta - March, 2004) • Feature: Added a new panel to the options window that allows users to customize the static text that appears at the top and bottom of printed 'detail view' reports. • Feature: Added a new command-line export switch called 'text' that allows the primary detail view data to be exported in CSV format.

Note that the extension of the filename is important - '.csv' will export in comma-separated-values format, and '.txt' file export in tab-separated-values format. Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d:' /text:'my-csv-report.csv' /exit Version (Limited Beta - March, 2004) • Feature: Introduced a new graph-oriented file report for displaying distribution of file attributes. Provided usual array of menu and keyboard accessors. • Feature: Added new command-line switch called 'attribs' for accessing the new 'file attributes' file report.

Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /filereport:'attribs' • Feature: Shell context menu extension was updated to provide access to 'file attributes' report. • Feature: The pie graph view now reveals the amount of space consumed by files in the scanned folder. This is displayed as an additional pie slice labeled '[files]', followed by a percentage value. • Feature: Added the ability to right-click on the drive space pie graph and copy it to the Windows clipboard. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem the main pie graph showing incorrect slice ratios under specific conditions. • Other minor improvements, documentation updates, and bug fixes. Version (Released Early February, 2004) • Change: Within the FilterZip system, comparisons of regular expression text against file names are now always case insensitive.

Previously, the case sensitivity of the regular expression made it difficult to match all the files of a specific type (e.g. 'TXT' was treated differently than 'txt' and 'TxT').

• Feature: The user preference between pie / bar graph is now retained between program instantiations. • Feature: Added new command-line switch called 'typesgraph' for accessing the new 'file types graph' file report.

Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /filereport:'typesgraph' • Feature: Shell context menu extension was updated to provide access to 'file types graph' file report. • Feature: Added main menu accessors (and top-level keyboard shortcuts) for graph type switching (e.g. • Feature: File reports accessed by menu are now run immediately (e.g.

Without the need to press the file report start button) if a path in the folder browser is currently selected. Pressing the file report toolbar button will always bring up the file reporter without starting it automatically. • Feature: Several updates to the integrated help file.

Also added context-sensitive (F1) help for individual file reports. • Other minor improvements and bug fixes. Version (Private Beta) • Feature: Better support for multiple monitors. Most UI components now appear in the proper virtual desktop when using multiple monitors. Selections in the Folder Browser window should also now work when the second monitor is located to the left. Some things, such as launching the default web browser, are handled by the shell and are still a bit quirky. But it should be better overall.

• Feature: File reporter window (and it's child report progress window) are now centered to the main application window when they appear. Their sizes are still retained, but the positions are not. Overall I think this is a bit tidier. • Other minor cosmetic touch-ups. Version (Private Beta) • Feature: Added a file types graph tab to the file reporter window, which will be populated with a pie graph of file types consuming the most space. Graph support printing / previewing, and exporting (e.g. Save as image).

• Feature: Added the ability to switch the main graph view to a PIE graph. The pie graph exposes most of the same capabilities as the default bar graph, including export to file and clipboard, gradient background, etc. Also note that the pie graph exposes a 'percentage of parent' value for each slice once a scan completes.

• Feature: Added a new '/date' flag to the current set of supported command-line parameters. If this flag exists, it will force any output path names (such as those specified via '/html' or '/xml') to include the current date in mm-dd-yy format. For example, if you pass in an '/html' path of 'd: temp test.html' and include the '/date' flag, the output path will be transformed into 'd: temp test_01-03-04.html' (only using the proper current date, of course). This is useful when you need to schedule daily report generations and also want to output them into a common folder. Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /html:'d: temp myreport.html' /date • Feature: Now using a highly optimized global cache for all system image list icons. This improves the performance of scrolling and item population in any list that contains file shell icons.

• Feature: Added vertical text labels to the bottom graph view toolbar to make those functions more intuitive, and to emphasize the new ability to switch between pie/bar graph views. • Feature: Added a new 'file reports' options panel (accessible via options button on main toolbar). Two new supported settings allow users to control the sizes of the 'largest files' and 'oldest files' reports. • Feature: Added a new '/graphtype' flag to the current set of supported command-line parameters. If this flag is present in the command line input, it will switch the graph type to either 'bar' or 'pie' prior to any export processes taking place.

So, for example, if you wanted to export an HTML report via the command line, but prefer to have a pie graph (versus the default bar graph), you can do something like this: Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /html:'d: temp myreport.html' /graphtype:'pie' /exit • Bug fix: Exclusions button on file reporting window was not being moved properly when window was resized. Version (Released Mid January, 2004) • Bug fix: Shell context menu extension was not working properly on legacy Windows operatings systems (WinNT, 95).

This has been fixed. • Bug fix: Resolved a problem where, in some circumstances, the detail view would fail to refresh after a file was deleted (either via the context menu or delete key). • Change: These release notes are now included with each installation of FolderSizes, and are accessible directly via the help menu. • Other minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes. Version (Private beta build, not released) • Feature: When exporting a folder report in HTML format, the bar graph image is now saved as '.jpg', rather than just 'graph.jpg'. This makes exporting multiple HTML reports to a single folder more managable, particularly when using the command line. Version (Released Public Beta Jan.

4th, 2004) • Bug fix: Resolved a problem that would cause file reports performed against CDROM / DVD media to fail in some instances. • Bug fix: Resolved minor defect in navigation history system involving virtual folders without literal file system paths. • Change: Changed default graph gradient background drawing mode to 'forward diagonal'. • Feature: FolderSizes now automatically refreshes the folder browser and drive space panes as required when removable and/or mapped network drives are added to (or removed from) the system. Version (Released Public Beta Dec.

27th, 2003) • Bug fix: Repaired a memory leak that could occur when scanning CDROM drives. Leak was introduced in the beta build. • Feature: Improvements to the speed and scalability of the file report generator 'folder tree' dialog. • Bug fix: Repaired minor problems with the way unknown 'last accessed' file system dates were being handled. • Bug fix: Repaired a minor problem with the primary graph label that occurred directly after a file report was generated. • Bug fix: Resolved a few drawing bugs in certain list controls.

• Bug fix: Resolved a problem where, in some rare instances, an exception would occur when rapidly switching between scan paths in the folder browser pane. • Feature: Excluded folders are now also honored by file reports. A new button was also added to the file report dialog for manipulating excluded folders. • Change: On the file report dialog, buttons for printing and exporting data are now always enabled. If they are clicked prior to report data being available, a note to this effect will be displayed. Previously, the buttons would be disabled when no report data was available - the change was made to minimize confusion and provide specific feedback (as well as improve consistency between dialogs).

• Feature: By default, FolderSizes will no longer follow reparse points (e.g. Mount points and symbolic links, also known as directory junctions) during normal folder scans, file report generation scans, and FilterZip scans. A new 'scanning' option page was added (see tools options) for re-engaging this option should you wish it. • Feature: Vastly improved the functionality and customization potential of the drive space panel. A new set of options (see tools options) has been defined that allow the drive panel to display information on non-fixed drives (e.g. Removable, network, etc.).

You can also selectively ignore specific drive letters, control the auto-refresh timing, and more. Also added the ability to refresh the drive panel manually (see view refresh drive panel) in case auto-refresh is disabled. • Bug fix: In the file type report, extensions were erroneously being sensitive to the case (e.g. Upper or lower case) of the file extension characters. In other words, 'txt' was being treated separatedly from 'TXT' - they should be treated the same (and are now).

• Feature: File report list controls no longer show 'grid lines'. This was done to improve consistency throughought the program, and to eliminate a problem with grid line artifacts appearing in list controls in some instances.

• Feature: Several minor changes to toolbar and menu layouts. Added toolbar buttons for accessing certain display functions. Added status bar helper text for a variety of menu items that were missing them.

Altered certain icons to better reflect their functions. • Feature: Added numerous additional hotkey combinations for functions such as exporting, user interface item display, etc. • Bug fix: Fixed a crash that could occur when switching to the 'file type' report in the file report dialog. • Change: Updated splash screen to reflect the new version number (v2.0). Version (Released Public Beta - Dec. 17th, 2003) • Feature: Added the ability to select and act upon several files or folders at once (with the context menu) in the primary detail view. • Feature: Drive pane 'tool tips' were re-worked.

Now when you hover the mouse over a drive, a pop-up window will reveal a range of associated volume information such as filesystem type, volume label, etc. • Feature: FilterZip progress dialog can now be resized. The progress dialog list columns are now 'sticky' (their sizes and positions will be retained between window displays). • Feature: Performed a detailed review of window control tab orders, keyboard access (shortcut) keys, etc.

For example, the delete key now works on files and folders in the main detail view, the path bar and 'go' buttons now have accessors, etc. • Feature: The path history mechanism (which allows the back and forward arrows to work, among other things) has been refactored for improved robustness. Now works regardless of the input path, and is no longer reset when folder browser nodes are deleted. • Feature: Added an 'owner' column to the detail folder/file list view. Note that this column will ONLY appear on the Windows NT/2k/XP class of operating systems (which support the concept of file and folder ownership). • Feature: Added the ability to switch between several file size display options. Users can now choose between displaying file sizes in GB, MB, KB, bytes, or 'automatic' mode (which chooses the file size display type based upon the file size itself).

Version 1.x provided only the automatic mode. This setting, which is accessible via the view menu, will be honored by every file size display mechanism in FolderSizes (even the graph tool tips). • Bug fix: Fixed the known defect in the beta release that prevented support for NT4 and Windows 95. Both of these older operating systems are now supported again (just as they were in v1.x).

The only minor caveat is that the 'Empty Recycle Bin' shortcut is disabled for these systems, because their APIs do not support programmatic access to that function. • Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the beta that caused scroll bar tracking problems in the primary graph pane when very large data sets were being displayed (e.g.

Large drives scanned with maximum subfolder display depth). • Change: Renamed the shell context menu extension DLL, due to conflicts with longer names on the Win9x series of operating systems.

• Numerous other minor improvements and optimizations. Version (Released Public Beta - Dec. 10th, 2003) • Feature: Introducing FilterZip technology, a powerful new way to free hard disk space.

FilterZip allows you to combine advanced criteria-based filtering and recursive folder / file matching to zip files across multiple folders. Tell FilterZip where to start, define your criteria, and let it do the dirty work for you.

Offers saving / loading of FilterZip jobs to and from disk, a 'test run' mode for match confirmation, and powerful regular expression based filename filtering (among other criteria). • Feature: Users can now exclude specific folder paths from scans.

New toolbar button and menu items were added to access the folder exclusions editor • Feature: Added 'folder insight' popup tips to the primary bar graph. You can now hover over a bar or the associated text label and view a popup window that shows the full folder name, its size, and the number of files it contains (in the specified number of subfolders). • Feature: The detail list view will now show large folders in bold. This feature can be customized through the options dialog (display::detail view), where it can disengaged or customized in terms of what percentage of the parent a folder must meet or exceed in order to be considered large. • Feature: A brand new file report has been introduced for the discovery of duplicate files. The new report allows for the location of duplicate files as determined by a variety of combinatorial criteria, and can also be filtered by file size. Results can be exported to HTML format.

• Feature: The main report contents can now be exported to XML format (see the export selection within the file menu). XML reports are generated all full subfolder depth (relative to the current folder scan path). • Feature: Added option to allow the user to instantly switch the subfolder display depth. By default, FolderSizes uses a subfolder display depth of 1, which means that when you select a drive or folder in the folder browser, only immediate subfolders are displayed in the detail and graph panes (at which point you can drill into them, etc.).

Now, you can display any level of subfolder depth in the detail and graph panes. Just keep in mind that full depth display can produce some very large data sets. • Feature: FolderSizes now supports command-line execution with parameters. Parameters are not case sensitive. Note that passing command line options into BP FolderSizes will automatically suppress the display of the splash screen and the welcome wizard (if they are configured to display normally). The following command line parameters are supported: • A 'path' parameter, which must exist if any other command-line operations are to be executed.

An example which would allow you to scan the temp folder on your D drive would look like: Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' • An 'html' parameter, which will generate an HTML report on disk once the scan is completed. You must provide a complete path for the HTML report file, like this: Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /html:'d: temp myreport.html' Note: HTML reports can be generated only for normal scans, and not file reports, which are described below. • An 'xml' parameter, which behaves almost identically to the 'html' parameter described above. Except, of course, that it saves the file out in XML format. Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /xml:'d: temp myreport.xml' • A 'filereport' parameter, which tells FolderSizes to immediately launch a specific type of file report. The 'filereport' flag must be followed by one of the types listed below.

Example: foldersizes.exe /path:'d: temp' /filereport:'largest' • 'largest' - largest files in the scanned folder • 'oldest' - oldest files in the scanned folder • 'types' - file types in the scanned folder • 'temporary' - temp files in the scanned folder • 'duplicate' - duplicate files in the scanned folder • An 'exit' parameter, which will cause FolderSizes to exit once all the command line scanning options are completed. This allows for the generation of an HTML report (for example) on a scheduled basis, with FolderSizes automatically terminating in between executions. Note: 'exit' cannot be used in conjunction with the 'filereport' parameter (it will be ignored in this case). • Feature: Added shell context menu integration.

Right-clicking on operating system folders will now produce a FolderSizes menu option, the submenu of which offers access to either a normal folder scan, or any of the file report types. • Feature: Any file report type can now be individually enabled or disabled. When file report types are disabled, they are eliminated from the scanning process. Disabling file reports that aren't needed can greatly increase the speed and memory efficiency of the scanning process, making all that much more flexible. • Feature: Added a graph tab to the drive space docking window. You can now switch to the graph tab whenver you'd like to see a pie graph representing used/free disk space on the selected drive. • Feature: Added auto-completion functionality to the main window 'path' edit/dropdown box, as well as the path box in the file reporting window.

• Feature: The report generation dialog window can now be resized. Window size and position are retained between instantiations. Window can also now be maximized. • Feature: Files with the attribute FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY can now be included in the temp files report.

• Feature: Extended the tool tips provided on the temp file report window. • Feature: File reports can now be exported to HTML format. This is in addition to the existing comma-separated and tab-separated export formats. • Feature: The general dimensions and layout of the file report window have been improved and extended. • Feature: Extended the default temp file match mask (it now includes '.$$$' and '.old') in the temp file report. Existing installations will not be changed.

• Feature: Added a shortcut to the tools menu for accessing the Windows network drive mapping facility. • Feature: Added ability to manually refresh the folder browser pane (from the view menu). • Feature: Added a 'last access' column to the upper-right folder detail view.

• Feature: Improved visual feedback indicators when dragging and dropping folders from Explorer into the FolderSizes detail view. • Feature: Added a shortcut to the tools menu for emptying the Windows recycle bin. • Feature: Certain system-level folders (such as 'system volume information') can now be scanned successfully by FolderSizes, as long as the current user has Administrative or Backup Agent access rights. • Feature: There is now an option in the configuration dialog to globally disable tooltips (the little balloon hints that appear when you hover over various controls). Disabling them isn't generally recommended, especially since it also disables tool tips for graph elements. But the choice is now yours. • Feature: The explorer context menu is now supported within the bar graph view.

• Feature: Significant improvements in the performance of the primary bar graph drawing code. It is now possible to view very large data sets in the graph without any real performance degradation. These optimizations will help support an upcoming feature that will allow the user to define the current subfolder display depth, which can produce very large graphs. • Feature: Altered the layout of the primary application toolbars. Minor changes to certain buttons (and their positions), and the file path drop-down box is now docked beneath the buttons.

• Feature: Added a new top-level menu for sorting. FolderSizes has always allowed for sorting of columns by clicking a column name (clicking twice to reverse the sort order). This can now also be done via the main application menu. • Feature: The explorer shell context menu that appears when you right-click a folder within the folder browser or detail view now contain a special FolderSizes submenu that provides quick access to file reports. When initiated in this way, file reports will begin scanning the specified directory immediately when the report window appears. • Feature: Several improvements to the application status bar layout.

Also added a new 'folders scanned' status bar pane, which provides yet another scan progress indicator. • Feature: Now showing version information right in the main window title bar (by request).

• Feature: Improvements to direct input path preparation / scrubbing logic. • Feature: Numerous cosmetic changes to various windows and dialogs to make them sexier and more informative. • Feature: Now displaying 'finger' cursor over graph bars that can be interacted with (e.g. Double-clicked or hovered over).

• Feature: The error reporting capabilities that are available during normal folder/drive scans are now available during 'file report' scans. If one or more errors occur during a file scan, the user will now be prompted to review them. The error report dialog that results shows what errors occurred with a textual explanation of each.

• Feature: Numerous improvements to overall application performance. • Feature: The help system has been more tightly integrated with the FolderSizes user interface.

The trend is toward help buttons or menus that are located close to where they're likely to be needed. Most dialogs can now also use the F1 button to call up the help file in context.

• Bug fix: Reports toolbar button is now disabled during folder/drive scans from within the folder browser pane. • Bug fix: Resolved defect in '% of parent' detail view column when all folders were empty (e.g. Zero byes in size). • Bug fix: Resolved an access violation that could occur if the primary window size was made to be extremely small (so that nearly every window component was hidden). • Change: Changed the 'last access' and 'last modified' columns of the detail report to exclude the time (e.g. Only show the date). This is primarily a space-saving measure that allows for more attractive printed reports and on-screen viewing.

Times were retained on the file reports. • Updated: Extensive updates were made to the FolderSizes help files to accomodate the new features mentioned in these release notes. Version (Released October 16th, 2003) • FolderSizes has been officially re-branded as BulletProof FolderSizes. With this change, FolderSizes becomes a commercial product, and is no longer freeware. This change brings FolderSizes into alignment with my vision for a more broadly marketed, professionally developed and supported software project. • Branding changes: • Updated splash screen • Updated welcome wizard • Updated all internal product name references to BulletProof FolderSizes • Updated readme file (readme.txt) • Update license file (license.rtf) • Updated product documentation • Updated primary program icon • Updated installer • Important: storage location for registry settings has changed slightly. Some preferences may be lost during the upgrade to this version of BulletProof FolderSizes.

The impact of this should be fairly minor (e.g. Related primarily to window sizes, etc.). • Added registration / license support system. Details are as follows: • New installations without a registration key default to a 30-day trial period. • BulletProof FolderSizes is fully functional when running in evaluation mode.

• If BP Foldersizes is not registered within 30 days of initial installation, it will cease to operate until a valid registration key is entered. • The 'about' box now displays license / registration information.

• Minor upgrades to BP FolderSizes will be free (existing registration keys will continue to work). Major version upgrades (e.g. From 1.x to 2.x) will require a new registration key. Version (Private build - not released) • Added the ability to double-click on a drive path in the drive space panel in order to initiate a scan on that drive. • Added tooltips to the drive space panel indicating the above capability. • Altered drive panel refresh timing so as to avoid a refresh while the panel has the mouse cursor.

Will prevent refreshes while the user is attempting to double-click (or right-click) a drive path to take action on it. • Resolved a defect regarding synchronization of selected scan path with history combo box. • If the user cancels the welcome wizard presentation, they are now prompted on whether they'd like to see it again the next time FolderSizes starts.

Version (Released September 27th, 2003) • Added support for NT4 (service pack 6 with Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater). • Removed the 'hot tracking' style on the primary detail view. This was not consistent with the report lists or the need to double-click a folder to drill into it. • Added support for UNC paths in the toolbar 'path' combo box. Now you can enter network paths directly - as long as they can be accessed without error, they will be scanned by FolderSizes. Note that FolderSizes currently will not prompt for authentication details if they are required to access a network share (make sure you auth in advance of running the scan).

• Added support for dragging and dropping folders into FolderSizes from Windows Explorer (or Windows shell). Simply drop a folder name onto the detail view to initiate a FolderSizes scan. • Vastly improved handling of errors that occur during the folder/drive scanning process. Now if an error occurs during scanning, once the scan has completed a small warning icon/text will be displayed in the status bar, prompting the user to double-click that location for further details. The folder scan error details window will reveal the path of each scanning error and the cause of the error. • Resolved a problem with FolderSizes reporting incorrect sizes for very large files (over 4GB).

• Resolved a problem where invalidate file date/time values would cause FolderSizes to throw an odd error and stop scanning a folder. Version (Released September 16th, 2003 • Now formatting all date/time strings according to Windows locale settings. • Several changes / improvements to the appearance of FolderSizes-generated HTML reports.

• The 'largest files', 'oldest files', and 'temp files' reports now all allow for multiple items to be selected (by using the ctrl or shift key). When combined with the right-click context menu, this now allows for the deletion of multiple files. • Remedied a minor horizontal scrolling glitch in the graph view. • Added a cool new collapse/restore capability to the horizontal split (between the detail view and the graph view). Clicking inside the centered control box will collapse the graph view, showing only the detail view.

Clicking it again will restore it to its former position. Very handy for when you need to see a large number of folders (and/or files) in the detail view. • The previous welcome screen has been replaced with a much more involved wizard that introduces the basic concepts of using FolderSizes. The wizard presents screenshots, formatted text, and options. • Improved the logic used to generate the primary graph title.

For drives (including mapped drives), it will now use a title like 'share on 'desktop' (Z:)' (rather than just the drive letter). This is much more useful when you're generating reports against mapped drives, for example. • Resolved a defect that caused the primary HTML export cascading style sheet not to be copied into place during installation. • Made minor adjustments to menu labels and hover text. Version (Released August 31st, 2003) • No longer showing 'control panel' in the folder browser tree. This was extraneous from a folder browsing perspective. • Slight improvements to the 'no items to display' text that shows within empty controls.

• Report path history is now saved between application instances. • Report path combo box will now accept the direct entry of a folder path. • The 'view folder files' option is now switched on by default. Folder files will be displayed in the detail view (top right pane), but the graph view (bottom right) will just display folders. • Detail list view sort column and sort direction are now remembered between program launches. Since the lower-right graph is automatically sorted in sync with the detail list view, it's sort properties are retained as well. • Now sorting the directories presented in the Folder Browser panel.

It seems that on 9x platforms these weren't being naturally populated in a sorted order (as they are on 2k/XP). • Added the ability to choose the fonts used to draw the lower-right hand graph.

• Added some missing tool tips to the graph display properties window, and resolved a defect that prevented their display. • Modified the graph display logic so that folders containing only files will still report an overall size within the graph label / title.

• Made several other improvements to the graph drawing code. Eliminated a couple of computational artifacts, improved the graph bordering logic, improved use of anti-aliasing, and made a few other minor tweaks. It's lookin' pretty groovy, I think.;-) • Several minor defect resolutions. Version (Released August 26th, 2003) • Added a '% of parent' column to the detail list view. • Added a brand new file report type called 'Temporary Files'.

This new report will provide you with insight as to location of temp files on your system, as well as their size. This is done via a temp filename 'mask' which is compared against each scanned filename; those that match the mask are included in the report.

Since the temp report list can be burdened by a very large number of files (for example, if you scan your entire C drive, you may found many thousands of temp files), the list sorting and containment algorithms for this report have been highly optimized. • Many new memory and performance optimizations. • Increased horizontal size of file reporting window slightly to accomodate plans for future capabilities. • Changed default control focus of the report generator dialog to the path combo box. Also changed default button to the 'start scan' button. • The FolderSizes graph view can now be used to navigate child folders, just as the list view can. Click a graph bar to highlight the corresponding entry in the list above.

Double-click a graph bar to drill into the corresponding subfolder. • Extended the online help, as required, to accomodate the changes to this build. Version (Released August 16th, 2003) • Now when a folder scan completes, the result graph shows the total size of the scanned folder as part of the graph label.

• Plugged a system handle leak that occured during file report generation. • Modified the formatting of the 'files' and 'folders' columns in the main folder/file list to use thousands separators. • Numerous memory optimizations. • Added keyboard scroll support to the graph pane. Now supports up/down arrows, page up/down, and home/end. • Revised the help files to bring them up to date with the current build.

• The uninstaller now cleans up registry entries created by FolderSizes. PRIVATE NOTE: Version adds beta expiration code that will allow the program to run for no longer than 120 days. Warnings to this affect will begin after 60 days (e.g. 60 days left), and 'firm warnings' will begin after 90 days (e.g. 30 days left).

Firm warnings attach a different query string symbol to the URL triggered by the expiration dialogs 'home page' button (that's currently the only difference between 'firm' and 'normal' warnings). Version (Released August 10th, 2003) • Added new text export capability.

The primary folder list contents can now be exported as either comma or tab separated values (.csv and.txt file formats, respectively). • Added new export options (see tools options export) for text exports.

User can choose whether or not folder list headers are included in export, as well as whether exported list fields are quoted. • Added text export capability to all of the report types contained with the report generation system (e.g.

'largest files', 'oldest files', etc.). Reports can be exported as either comma or tab separated values. • Minor changes to the arrangement of certain top-level menu items. • Added abilty to export the list view contents to the clipboard (as comma separated values).

• Graph / list view splitter position now restores correctly when the application re-starts. • Added new graph display section to options dialog.

Can now determine whether gradient effect is used for the background, and can choose which colors are used. • Altered the behavior of the banding graph in the 'largest files report'.

Previously, hovering over a specific band would reveal the corresponding file name in a read-only edit box just beneath it. In this version, the edit box has been removed. To replace it, you can now hover over a band graph to get a tool tip which reveals the file name. As before, a band can still be clicked to find the corresponding entry in the tabular list.

• Graph display options now allow user to select the direction of the gradient graph background. Choose from 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'forward diagonal', or 'backward diagonal'. • Numerous improvements (speed optimizations, color cycling algorithm tweaks, etc.) within the banding graph drawing code.

• Resolved a problem with initiating reporting scans on Win9x/ME in certain environments. Version (Released August 6th, 2003) • Resolved minor defect relating to the folder explorer history buffer. • Now highlighting the selected banding graph item in the 'largest files' report when clicked. • Several performance enhancements and memory optimizations.

• Normalized the color palette used across the various graphing objects. • Added new toolbar button for quick access to report generator.

• Added ability to save the 'folder tree' (as a text file) that's created during report generation scans. It seems that people really like these.:-) • Added a few more tool tips here and there. Version (Released July 24th, 2003) • Column sizes for all reports (largest files, oldest files, file classes, etc.) are now saved. If you resize them, they'll be the same size next time you bring up the reporting window. • Report window lists now shade the background of the sorting column. • The 'generating report' window that displays when a report scan is run (see the view reports menu) now displays a 'tree' of the folders that it encounters during the scan.

• The 'generating report' window is now resizable, and retains its position and size between instantiations. • Greatly improved (e.g. Shortened) post-scanning report generation timeframe by initializing shell icons on the fly (as the lists are scrolled).

Version (Released July 20th, 2003) • Double-clicking on a report filename will now open it by default (in addition to the shell context menu that's already available). Cutepdf Pro Silent Installation. • Shortcut to the FolderSizes help file is now added to the program group during installation. • Further reduced the height of the report screen window to better accomodate 800x600 resolution.

• Resolved a defect that, when copying the main graph image to the clipboard, caused only the visible portion of the graph to be copied. Now, the entire image is copied, even if part of it is off screen. Thanks to Dave Collingwood for bringing this to my attention.

Version (Released July 15th, 2003) • Resolved fairly obscure defect that could cause an abnormal termination upon app shutdown. • Resolved minor issue in which the file type data cache would not be expunged at the correct interval. • Modified the reporting dialog slightly to better accomodate lower resolutions. • Finished up a few remaining control tooltips. • Shell context menu file deletions from 'largest' and 'oldest' file reports now refresh list contents properly. • Minor tweaks to the report list column sorting logic.

Version (Released July 12th, 2003) • Yet another fairly radical re-factoring of the FolderSizes reporting systems. Reports can now be run at any time and implement their own fine-tuned drive/folder scanning algorithm.

The graphical interface for reports has also changed extensively - all reports are now contained within a single window, and you can switch between them at will. All reports are also generated at the same time, when any drive or folder is selected for report generation. Previous report paths are also 'remembered' in a drop-down edit box, for quick access later. • A new 'oldest files' report has been introduced.

This report (perhaps obviously) finds the oldest files within the folder or drive path provided by the user. The output is integrated with the new reporting window, described above. • All button tool tips have been enhanced and re-written for maximum clarity. • Extended the set of keyboard accelerators (shortcuts) available. • The product documentation has been updated and extended to cover the most recent set of changes. The docs were also re-organized.

Version (Released July 5th, 2003) • Changed a variety of internal program hyperlinks to reference the new foldersizes.com website. • Made extensive changes to compiler optimizations for increased overall speed. • Implemented new folder enumeration cache. This system allows for the caching of previously scanned file system objects, making for a much quicker browsing experience when exploring cached folders and subfolders. Using the refresh button (toolbar button or menu item) will force an invalidation of the cache for the current folder node (and all of its children).

• Implemented numerous memory optimizations. • Made numerous improvements to the folder enumeration engine. • Resolved defect that was causing the text sorting in the 'largest files' report list control to be case-sensitive. • The way in which folder reports are generated has changed quite a bit. Previously, you needed to execute a folder scan prior to accessing a report. This is no longer true; reports are now generated separately from 'general' folder scans.

This helps to minimize the impact of the new caching mechanism, and also provides greater flexibility for the end user.

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